.•°*(Chapter 26) A 'happy' end*°•.

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Toms point of view:

After almost two more weeks, I got a call from a nurse in the clinic where Tord was in. She told us, that he was finally dismissed!

I was so glad. I instantly got up after the call ended and went into the living room to tell Edd and Matt.

"Guys, Tord is dismissed!" I yelled, more or less excited.

"What? Really?" Matt seemed confused, but his confusion was quickly replaced with joy and relieve.

"Can we get him right now?" Matt childishly asked with his eyes sparkling innocently and happily.

"Of course! Let's get it the car." Edd replied, swiftly getting up from the couch and going into the kitchen, probably to give Ringo some food before we would leave.

When Edd got out of the kitchen, we made our way to the car together and drove off with a good mood.

After an almost three hours ride, like always, we reached the clinic for eating disorders and speedily went inside, walking straight to Tords room.

We went inside and saw a clean and empty looking room while Tord was standing next to his bed, since his already packed suitcase layed on it.

He was about to close it, until he noticed our presence.

"Oh, hey guys!" He greeted happily with a little smile. He looked way much better than a few weeks ago. He wasn't abnormal pale anymore, his cheek bones were not showing that much and he looked generally healthier and fuller.

"Hey, Tord! Are you ready to finally come home again?" Edd asked in an excited and cheerful manner.

"Sure. I've already packed my stuff." Tord answered gladly while closing his suitcase.

"Wonderful! Let's go!" Edd practically yelled happily as he grabbed Tord on his wrist and dragged him out. Tord almost lost his suitcase while stumbling after Edd. However, he managed to keep holding it.

Matt and I went behind them, watching as Tord gave his room key to the lady on the reception and said goodbye to her.

We went outside, stuffing Tords suitcase into the trunk and getting into the car afterwards.

We were contentedly driving home, talking and chuckling about random stuff after saying, how proud we were of Tord.

Tords point of view:

'So, I made it, huh?' I thought to myself. I indeed gained over fifteen kilogram again. I've reached my normal weight now, yes, but it kinda felt absolutely wrong.

I felt like I wasn't supposed to weight so much. It still made me feel fat and uncomfortable. I didn't want to be like this...

But what choice did I have?

Either I was starving myself and I felt good for being empty, or I was eating 'normally' and felt abnormal fat, stuffed, lazy and ugly.

I think, I know now, what was the actual right thing for me.

But if I would starve myself again, the others will notice and bring me back into that god damn clinic.

Oh my god, I'm a piece of pathetic, hopeless shit...

I wish, I could've died in the forest where I sliced my throat open. My greatest wish is to die peacefully. I don't care, how or where I die, as long as it happens.

I can't wait until the day I'll die.

The day, when it's finally over.

The day, when my friends finally don't need to worry about me anymore.

The day, when I will lose my useless feelings.

Dear lord, I hate myself.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to stare into my fat lap the whole time.

I couldn't believe, my friends actually still liked me. Well, except they're pretending, of course. I don't know, but it's possible, that they are just really good in pretending to accept me.

After all I have done to them, I'm 90% sure, that they never actually forgave me. Maybe they only try to be nice, so they don't get reported for 'failure to provide assistance' or some shit like that.

To be honest, I definitely wouldn't blame them, if they would insult and abandon me. I deserve it, just like I deserve it to die painfully.

After I finished thinking to myself in my head, I realized, that I got really tired and dizzy, so I kinda hung my head, keeping my eyes closed and falling into a dreamless nap in the car.

(-Time skip-)

Toms point of view:

When we finally arrived home, I looked to my right to see Tord, silently asleep with his head down low.

I smiled at him and gently shook him awake.

"Tord, we're home." I whispered to him before he started groaning in annoyance.

"I'm up, I'm a-awake. Stop shaking me." He tiredly replied while trying to get my hand off his shoulder.

After Tord realized, that we were home, we got Tords stuff out of the trunk and headed inside, unpacking his suitcase and sitting on the couch afterwards.

Since we were bored, we just looked some useless shows on TV.

I could have sworn, that this was the perfect happy end.

Tord was seemingly healthy again, so we probably didn't have to worry so much about him anymore.

We could finally enjoy our lifes, but Tord still seemed like something is bothering him. That made me look at him in concern.

"Hey, is something bothering you, Tord?" I asked, tilting my head while looking at the small norski beside me.

"No, everything is wonderful, don't worry!" He answered pretty securely and convincingly.

I didn't want to cause any more stress, so I simply ruffled his fluffy hair, making him giggle adorably.

I guess, that's what you can call a 'happy end'.

Tords point of view:

'I hate myself. I want to die right away.'

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