.•°*(Chapter 6) Amputation*°•.

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Toms point of view:

We watched as the ambulance drove off with Tord inside of it. When the ambulance was out of sight, we went back inside the house and closed the front door.

"So... We're all going to visit him later, right?" Edd asked in a sad manner.

"Of course!" Matt and I said in unison.

"Let's just say, in... one hour?" Matt asked. Me and Edd nodded in agreement and we got to the living room to watch some TV until we had to go.

(-Time skip-)

Edds point of view:

We just reached the hospital and went streight through the entrance. We hurried to the reception and asked for Tord.

The nurse brought us to the intensive care unit and opened a door with the room number 193. When we walked inside, we saw Tord laying on the hospital bed, sleeping and hooked up to an IV and a heart rate monitor while he had a oxygen mask on this face.

We were in pure shock.

We didn't even know, that it would be that bad! We just thought, that he had some trouble with his tummy, but nothing more. Then, the nurse walked out and after a couple of minutes, she came back with a doctor. He looked at us and we looked back at him. He sighed and started to speak.

"Mr. Larsson will have to stay here for a while. He was lucky, that you called an ambulance for him. Who knows, what could have happened if you didn't." He said while looking at the clipboard in his hands. I looked at Tord, who was still unconscious and watched his chest slowly rise and fall regularly. Then Tom spoke to the doctor in a concerned manner.

"Why is he hooked up on everything? Is something wrong with him? When will he wake up? Is he going to be fine?" Tom asked, question after question. The doctor turned over a few pages on his clipboard and spoke.

"Well, first of all, we are afraid, that he could have advanced anorexia." Tom, Matt and I gasped when we heard the shocking news, but when we thought, that it couldn't get any worse, the doctor spoke again.

"And the second thing is, that we think, that we have to amputate his right arm or else it could cause blood poisoning because of the strong infection." He said in a very sorrowful voice.

"Oh my goodness..." I could hear Matt quietly say.

"Will he be okay?" I asked, extremely sad and worried for my dear friend.

"Well, I can't guarantee it, but we'll do our best to bring him back to health." The doctor said, slightly frowning.

After a couple of minutes, three nurses came into the room and two of them pushed Tords bed out of the room while the third one was talking to the doctor.

"Doctor, it's time for the operation." The nurse said. The doctor simply nodded as the nurse walked out of the room to help the other nurses to bring Tord to the operating room.

The doctor turned his head to us and told us to stay in the waiting room for a couple of hours, if we didn't want to go home. We just nodded and sat down in the waiting room while we waited for the operation to finish.

(-Time skip-)

Toms point of view:

It was now 4 hours since we saw Tord the last time and we were afraid, that there could be something bad going on in the operating room.

When we were lost in our thoughts, I catched something in the corner of my eye. Three nurses came out of a room that says 'staff only'. They were pushing a hospital bed with a certain, anesthetized norwegian with two hair horns laying on it. He was covered with a large, white blanked.

Then, the doctor came out of the same room as the nurses came from. Edd, Matt and I immediately jumped up and hurried to the doctor to ask him about Tords condition. He saw us and smiled warmly. When we stopped in front of him, Edd started to talk.

"So? How is he? Will he be okay?" Edd asked impatiently while Matt and I waited for an answer from the doctor as well. He looked at a few papers on his clipboard and spoke.

"Yes, he will be fine. We successfully amputated his arm and he should be save from blood poisoning now." We were extremely relieved when we heard the news. But still, Tord just has one arm now and there was still the problem with his anorexia...

"Can we see him?" Matt asked. The doctor nodded and brought us again in room 193 in the intensive care unit.

We entered the room and immediately heard the heart rate monitor again. We saw Tord, laying on the hospital bed just like a few hours ago, but this time, his right arm was off.

Edd and Matt grabbed two chairs for them to sit on, but I went to Tords right bed side instead. I gently looked under the blanked where Tords right arm was supposed to be.

There was just a truncated upper arm, wrapped in bandages. Edd and Matt went beside me, looking at the stub as well and frowning at the sight. Then, we heard the doctors voice.

"He will still be drowsy when he wakes up, but it's fine. It's because of the anesthesia." He told us.

"And when will he wake up?" Matt asked, while he, Edd and I looked at the doctor, waiting for an answer.

"I think, it will take a while, but he should be awake in no later than two hours." The doctor replied and continued. "And at the earliest, I would say, in half an hour."

"Are we allowed to stay here in that time?" Edd asked.

"Of course you are, but if he wakes up, please don't stress him and don't be so loud. He went through a lot lately and he needs as much rest as he can get." The doctor replied. We nodded, and with that, the doctor left.

(-Time skip-)

Edds point of view:

We were sitting on Tords bedside, not wanting to leave him alone. We were just talking and waiting for the small norwegian to wake up while we permanently heard the heart rate monitor beeping in the past hour.

Once I looked at Tord one more time, I saw his eyes sluggishly open. I gasped at the sight.

Matt and Tom seemed to notice my surprised sound, because they immediately looked at Tord and gasped as well.

After Tord percieved his surroundings, he tiredly looked at us in confusion. He looked at the heart rate monitor, at the bag of the IV and at last, he tried to look at his right arm, that was gone now, though.

Even if he was really drowsy and weak, we could see, that he was slightly panicking as he noticed, that his arm was gone. We instantly tried to calm him down, and it seemed to work for now.

He saw us and looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn't, yet.

Tords point of view:

'What was happening to me? Where the heck am I? Why am I here? Who brought me here? Where is my right arm, god damn it! What am I supposed to do right now?! What did they do to me and who did this to me?!'

I felt like the room was spinning and I realized, that I was at the hospital while Edd, Matt and Tom sat next to me. It looked like they were in shock, but also kinda relieved. What was happening to make me like this?

"Tord? Can you hear me?" I think, it was Edd who was talking to me, so I just nodded weakly due to the fact, that I felt like I couldn't speak properly.

"Tord, do you remember, what happened?" Tom asked. I shook my head, trying to recall anything what happened. Then, I heard Tom speak again.

"Well, we will tell you later, when you're feeling better, buddy. For now, you should just rest." He said. To be honest, I didn't plan anything else than sleeping anyway, so I simply nodded, layed back down, closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

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