.•°*(Chapter 11) Small trip*°•.

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(Next day -Time skip-)

Edds point of view:

Tord was feeling better by now, so I decided, that we should go on a little trip together! But yet, I don't know where, though.

Maybe to the beach, to the arcade or to the theme park. But a little walk in the woods would be really nice, too!

Ugh, I just can't decide!

...Well, maybe Matt will know, where we should go.

So, I was making my way to Matts room, slightly knocking on his door in excitement.

"Coming!" I heard Matt yell. I waited patiently until he opened the door.

"Oh! Hey, Edd!" He greeted me happily. I smiled widely at him and spoke.

"Hey, Matt! I was wondering, where we should go today. I was thinking, we could maybe go to the theme park or the woods for a little walk. What do you think?" I asked Matt, tilting my head like a confused little puppy.

He started holding his chin while he squinted his eyes, looking at the ceiling. This was clearly his 'thinking-position'.

"Hm... The forest sounds nice, what about we're all going there?" He asked determined.

"Alright! I'll go tell the others! When they agree, I assume, that we're gonna leave in two hours, okay?" I said, full of excitement and motivation. Matt nodded and said a quick 'alright' while I headed to Toms room and knocked on his door.

"Tom! We're going out for a little walk in the woods in two hours, are you coming with us?" I asked, slightly yelling through Toms door.

"Ugh, okay, I'm coming with you guys." He agreed, slightly tired. It sounded like he just woke up. Maybe he was sleeping... Whoops!

I quietly went downstairs into the living room to find Tord sleeping peacefully on the couch. I smiled and went up to the small, red hoodied norski.

"Tooord..." I whispered while I gently shook him, trying to wake him up without startling him.

"Mmh..." He was still asleep, but he was shifting around a little. I shook him a tiny bit stronger while giggling a little.

"Tord, wake up, buddy!" I whispered a bit louder for him.

"Mmmh nooo..." He tiredly mumbled. I chuckled and kept shaking him.

"Come on, sleepyhead! We're leaving in two hours!" I laughed, still trying to get his attention.

"Where..?" He asked, still drowsy and half asleep.

"To the forest! We are going to have a small walk there, just the four of us!" I told him with much joy in my voice, trying to convince him to get up.

"Yeah, okay, I'm coming with you guys later." He mumbled, still in a sleepy manner.

"Yay!" I yelled, looking forward to the walk.

Tords point of view:

Ugh... Why does Edd have to be so loud..? My head hurts and I just wanna be asleep again.

I turned around, trying to fall into a deep, beautiful slumber with nothing but myself in my own little world.

Edd left, probably understanding, that I want to have rest, at least for the next two hours.

And with that, I gladly fell asleep again.

(-Time skip-)

I woke up by loud thudding coming from the stairs. I groaned, wanting to be in my beautiful sleep again.

"Tord, come on, it's almost 2pm, buddy!" Edd told me, more or less being loud.

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, which was above the TV. Edd was right, we're going to leave soon, but it felt like I've only slept for five minutes...

I slowly got up from the couch and sleepily made my way to the bathroom to at least get more or less cleaned.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and went to the sink, turning on the faucet and pouring some water on my hands to splash it on my face, so I would be a little more awake. After I dried my face and hands, I looked in the mirror at my own yukky reflection.

'Ugh, how could a human be that disgusting?!' I thought, insulting my awful body in my mind.

I just got out of the bathroom, not wanting to be near a mirror.

I saw Edd, Matt and Tom standing in the doorway, all dressed up and waiting for me. I went to them and walked outside, Matt and Tom next to me while Edd closed and locked the front door. When Edd came after us, we made our way to the woods.

(-Time skip-)

We were already walking around in the forest while chatting, laughing and enjoying the nature and environment, but suddenly, I god painful cramps in my stomach, legs and arms. I didn't know, what was happening, but I couldn't move due to the extreme amount of pain.

I stopped walking and just stood there, wide eyed and not moving an inch. I stared at the ground, trying to think about what could have caused this pain.

The others stopped walking as well, looking at me in confusion and I just stood there, shaking and thinking about a hundred thoughts while at the same time I couldn't think about anything.

"Tord?" Matt tried to get my attention, but I couldn't do anything. I could just stand there.

Not moving.

Not talking.

Not paying attention.

Not breathing.

I tried to gasp for air, but it just made everything worse. It hurt so much, I just wanted to scream.

But I couldn't.

I could neither hear, nor feel well. Everything just sounded like it was under water and I felt like I wasn't even standing, but floating.

The pain was spreading across my whole body, making the vision in my eyes fade away.

And with that, everything went black.

Edds point of view:

"Tord!!" We screamed in unison as we saw the small norski collapse on the ground, making a loud thud.

We immediately ran to him, checking for everything. His breathing, his pulse, his eyes, everything we could think about.

It looked like he couldn't breath properly when he just stood there a few moments ago.

As if he was in immense pain.

We realized, that his breathing was really shallow and his pulse was way to fast.

That is definiteley not good.

Tom picked him up, bridal style, and we hurried back to our house, in fear for our small norski.

When our house was in sight, we instantly ran faster. When we reached the entrance of our home, I quickly unlocked the front door and we hurried inside. Tom layed Tord carefully on the couch, not wanting to harm him.

"Oh dear god, not again..." Matt said frustrated. I sighed.

"Well, it's not his fault. It looked like he suddenly was in immense pain and I bet, he couldn't take it any longer..." I explained my thoughts, desperate for my red bean.

"Did he actually take his pills? If he did, then it could maybe just be those side effects again..." Tom told us, thinking about another possible variant of what could have happened to Tord.

"I think he did, yes. Maybe you're right, Tom." I replied.

We looked at the unconscious norski on the sofa to see him still laying there, powerless and almost lifeless.

'Well, that was it for today...' I thought to myself. I can't believe, that Tord has to go through all this horrible stuff...

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