.•°*(Chapter 15) Self attack*°•.

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Tords point of view:

It was about three hours since this creepy 'thing' appeared in my room and I was continuously staring at it while it stared back at me with his blood red eyes. Nothing happened in this three hours. Nothing but a staring contest between this monster and me.

For some time, I heard my friends talking about me and my 'delusional condition'. I'm worried, that they're thinking, that I'm insane or something.

'maybe they always thought about me that way...' I thought while remembering the 'incident'. I already realized, that I indeed was just a psychotic freak, just like Tom told me. But do Matt and Edd think the same way?

I guess so.

While I was still staring at the weird creature, I heard the door slightly creaking open. It startled me a little, but after I saw Edd, I was more or less relieved.

"Hey, why aren't you sleeping, pal?" Edd asked with a soft voice as he slowly stepped inside.

"That thing is s-still here, Edd..." I told him, my voice cracking and stuttering while I silently cried.

"Aww, Tord, don't worry, there is nothing in your room, it's just me and you, okay? Relax, your brain is just imagining things." Edd reassured me, but I still didn't believe him, since I saw that monster clearly those past few hours.

"Get some rest, Tord. Nothing will happen to you, alright? Go to sleep, you need it." Edd said while slowly leaving my room again.

I shakingly nodded while I hesitantly layed back and tried to relax. In the moment, where Edd closed the door, I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

But that's when I heard something, what brought shivers down my spine.

I heard a loud, gurgling growl while I practically could feel how it came closer.

I was anxious and didn't want to open my eyes, since I knew, it could only be that disgusting, eerie creature. But my curiosity was stronger that my will to keep my eyes closed and sleep.

I hesitantly opened my eyes to see that creature directly in front of my face. I screamed in shock and jolted back, falling out of my bed. In that moment, I already was hyperventilating. I felt like my lungs are going to explode and my head and eyes hurt and were throbbing, because I fell on the back of my head.

I saw the dark creature coming closer to me while it growled dangerously at me. I tried to shift back, but I already hit the wall and there was no escape. The monster was now threateningly close and it came even closer with every second. I whimpered while I tried to curl myself into a ball, quietly sobbing.

The monster was now right in front of me. It grinned and showed its teeth. It reached its claws out for me and grabbed my arm, digging its claws into my flesh. I screamed in pain and fear while I tried to fight it. I kicked and punched that thing like it was the end of my life, which probably really was.

I screamed as loud as I could, hoping for someone to hear and help me. The monsters sharp claws were digging even deeper into my left arm, leaving huge, bloody holes in it. I tried everything. I tried kicking, punching and biting it, but there was no use. It was too strong and I couldn't get it off of me.

I was about to kick another time, but my vision started to get blurry and darker. I was still frantically trying to get that monster off me, but I felt my legs and arms become even weaker with every second.

Soon, I was just laying there, slowly loosing my consciousness due to the pain and loss of blood.

Edds point of view:

Tom, Matt and I were in the living room, watching TV with a bowl of popcorn on the small table in front of us. When Tom was about to change the channel, we heard loud thudding and a terrified scream coming from upstairs.

We immediately jumped up from the sofa, running upstairs and hurrying to Tords room. We opened the door and gasped loudly. We were completely shocked from the sight.

We saw Tord, laying next to his bed on the floor while digging the fingers of his prosthetic arm deep into his left arm, leaving surprisingly deep and bloody gashes on it.

The small norwegian was about to pass out when we frantically hurried next to him. His cheeks were stained with lots of tears and the blood from his left arm was dripping on the floor. He was breathing extremely heavily, even if he was almost unconscious. He was pale and definiteley not healthy.

It was either the side effects of those pills, or he was now really loosing his sanity.

We tried to calm him down and wake him up by shaking him and calling his name, but we couldn't do much. His robotic fingers were still abnormal deep inside of his left arm and he was still hyperventilating. We were panicking and I didn't know, what to do.

"Guys, I have no idea, what I should do!" I yelled at them while tears formed in my eyes.

"Try to get his robot hand out of his arm! I'm going to bring some bandages and a wet cloth to clean everything!" Tom yelled back in panic while he stood up and ran out of the room.

I did what Tom told me to do. I pulled Tords prosthetic fingers out of his arm while Matt was holding Tords head as an attempt to let him rest on something warm and soft.

When Tom came rushing inside Tords room again, he immediately cleaned and covered Tords wounds.

While Tom bandaged his left arm, I was rubbing Tords left cheek with my thumb. Matt was still holding the norwegians head in a comfortable position on his lap.

"Oh, Tord..." I said frustrated while I let some tears fall down my face.

"Let's lay him on his bed again." Matt said, his voice cracking a little.

"Shouldn't we rather bring him to the living room again? I don't want him to be alone again, especially not in this condition. We should bring him there, so we could check on him every now and then..." I said while carefully picking Tord up. He was still abnormal light, what gave me a huge frown on my face.

Knowing that he is still anorexic, even with the help he got from the doctors and nurses in the hospital... I couldn't handle seeing my small norski like that...

When I layed Tord down on the couch, I completely broke down in tears. I cupped my face in my hands and sobbed uncontrollable, letting my tears stream down on the floor.

I felt someone softly embrace me. It was Matt. I couldn't really say something, so I just grabbed his hoody and cried into his chest while he rubbed my back comfortably.

"Shh, Edd... He is going to be fine... He is Tord! He is always going to be fine, remember?" Matt said while silently sobbing a bit as well as he continued.

"He survived everything until now! H-He survived the years in an old alleyway, he survived the huge explosion in his robot and he will survive this, too! He will make it, he is really strong... I believe in him..." Matt told me in a wise manner while he was still hugging me. I sobbed a few more times and broke the soft embrace. I smiled at Matt.

"I know... He is one of the strongest persons I've ever met... He will make it..." I replied, still sobbing and letting tears fall down my face.

Matt smiled back at me and looked at Tord afterwards. I looked at my small, red bean as well, my smile fading slowly.

'He will make it, right..?'

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