Shouta Aizawa x Suicidal! reader

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I LOVE ALL MY READERS <3 I don't have a suicide message, but have a cookie. *hands you a cookie*




I held Shouta’s hand and stared at his sleeping face. I would say it was cute if we were in a different situation.

Shouta was in the hospital and he has been here for a long time now.

I let out a ragged breath as I watched him for any signs of him waking up.

My chest burned and tingled as tears glistened in my eyes. I laid my head against the edge of the bed.

“You idiot, please wake up,” I said. My voice cracked.

I cried at the thought of him not hearing my pleas. I stood and leaned over the Shouta. I kissed his forehead. I stared down at our hands. I smiled, but I let go of his hand. It was like the world stopped.

I couldn’t live without the man I fell in love with. I walked to the bathroom. I entered a stall and locked it.

I took my blade out of my pocket and stared at him. I sighed at the thought of Shouta never waking up.

I slid the blade over my skin, cutting into my flesh. “Shouta’s in the hospital because of me,” I mumbled as I pressed the blade deeper. Tears welled up in my eyes.

“It’s my fault,” I said and watched the blood drip onto the floor. My heart pounded against my chest and my head felt like a tornado.

I stood up. My whole world was spinning as I left the bathroom. “Shouta will be awake now,” I muttered to myself.

I walked to his hospital room and to the side of his bed. He was still asleep. I took a breath, trying not to cry.

“Oh, (Y/N). You’re still here?” A voice asked. I looked at the doorframe to see Toshinori. I nodded as I turned my head to look at Shouta again.

“Why don’t you head home, eat and freshen up then come back? I promise I'll call you if he wakes up." Toshinori said with a smile. I hesitated.

"Okay..." I said and stood. My head spun once again and I stopped in my tracks to adjust to the feeling.

"(Y/N).” Toshinori said in shock and walked to me. “You're bleeding.", Toshinori said, the shock never leaving his voice.

I looked at my wrist. Blood from my sleeve was dripping into the floor. I turned my head to Toshinori. My vision got blurry. I opened my mouth to speak, but my eyes got heavy and all I saw was black.

I opened my eyes. I was greeted by the white ceiling of the hospital.

"And you said I'm the idiot." a familiar deep voice said. I looked to my side to see Shouta. He had bandages around his face and he was wearing his usual attire. I smiled and sat up.

"You're awake," I said.

Shouta says. "I was always awake, I was just too lazy to speak."

"That's cruel, Shouta," I said. I looked down at the bed and gripped the white sheets.

Shouta placed his hand over mine. It was warm.

"Why are you hurting yourself?" He asked. He stared into my eyes. My body trembled as waves of emotions drowned me.

"It was my fault that you got hurt. I'm so useless, I can't even do one simple task." I covered my face, not wanting Shouta to see my tears.

Shouta said, "You did your best. Your Quirk isn't good with crowds." I glared at him.

"Yours as well, but you saved me! There's no point in living if I can't protect the one I love!" I yelled. Guilt slapped me in the face for yelling at him. I hugged myself. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “I was so scared of losing you when Shigaraki grabbed you. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t help you. I’m not meant to be a hero, I’m sorry.” I cried out as I choked on my sobs.

Shouta stood up. He pressed his bandaged lips to my forehead. “I’ll be back.” He said and left the room. I curled into a ball as I continued crying. He didn’t love me at all. He pitied me.

Shouta took a long time before he returned. I turned to face him. He held flowers in his hands. I sat up and he gave it to me.

“They’re (insert your favorite flowers). I didn’t think you’d notice.” I said and wiped away my tears.

“I noticed and it’s because I love you.” Shouts said. I looked at the beautiful flowers.

“Why? There are so many people better than me.” I said. Shouta sat next to me on a chair and held my hand.

"You're beautiful and smart and I know you've heard it before, but it’s true. (Y/N), I like you because you always seem happy and know how to cheer me up. You’ve got a good heart and you’re one of the best heroes out there because you never think of yourself. You’re talented in ways that you can’t see, but I can see them. You’re an overall amazing person.” He said, but before he could continue I hugged him.

“Thank you, Shouta,” I said. Shouta wrapped his arms around me in return. I enjoyed the warmth of his body.

“I got rid of all your blades, the one you used earlier, and the spares you kept at home. Don’t hurt yourself anymore, please.” He said.

“I can’t promise anything. I’ve tried before only to relapse.” I said.

“I’ll help you and make sure you don’t relapse. I want to make you as happy as you make me.” Shouta said and he kissed my temple.

"Rest and get out of here so we can cuddle together at home." He said.

"Why can't be cuddle here?"

"It's a hospital and besides my bed is better than this bed."

"Okay, Shouta. I love you."

"I love you too,(Y/N)."


Words: 1014


I'm so sorry if this sucks and Mr. Aizawa is OOC...

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