Chapter 27: Reunited

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Chapter 27: Reunited

April 27, 2010

"I like it. It's very...elegant. Noble, even."

"Really?" Danny questioned, mingled excitement and relief in his voice.

"Really. Besides, the name means something to you – and it's very respectable," Karen replied, and Danny could swear he heard the smile in her voice.

"Great. Well, uh, glad we got that sorted," Danny responded, giving a wide grin.

He heard a beep on his phone, and looked down to see that Elena was calling him. What could she want? Perhaps an update on Elijah? He frowned, debating internally as to what he should do. After a few seconds, he told Karen he would call her tomorrow before hanging up and answering the other line.

"Did you do it?" Danny questioned.

"If by 'it', you mean removing the dagger, then I'd say yes. Mission accomplished," came Elijah's smooth voice.

"Elijah? How did you – never mind. I don't think I want to know," Danny shook his head, curling his lip upward slightly. "What do you want?"

"I think you and I should talk – air out our grievances and such," Elijah informed him.

Danny was silent for a moment before saying, "I agree. Where should I meet you?"

"You are familiar with the Lockwood mansion, correct?"

"I'll be there in twenty."


Danny walked up the sloping hills of the Lockwood property, trying to get his thoughts in order. Despite his previous confrontations with his sire, Danny had no clue what to say to Elijah. The past two meetings he'd had were unplanned - only lasting about two minutes apiece. There were many things left unsaid between the two – many problems still to be hammered out. But I have to do it. Danny told himself resolutely. My greatest regret was not apologizing to Gabriel – not thanking him for everything he'd done for me. Not telling him how much he meant to me. I won't let the same thing happen to Elijah and me.

As though he had summoned him with his thoughts, Danny spotted the Original up on the hill by a lake, staring into its depths. Danny tugged on the strings of his dark grey and black hooded jacket nervously before putting his hands into the pockets of his ripped jeans. He approached quietly, stopping just behind the man.

"You said you wanted to talk – so here I am," Danny announced his presence.

Elijah turned around slowly, eyeing Danny carefully. After a moment, he gestured with his hand for Danny to follow him and began to walk in the direction of the mansion. Danny fell into step slightly behind and to the right him.

"Truth be told, I did not think you would actually show up," Elijah admitted.

"Yes, well, I figured it was time we finally talked," Danny shrugged, moving his hands to his jacket pockets. "Besides, I had free time."

Elijah hummed in response and silence fell between the two. As the minutes stretched by with neither saying anything, Danny began to grow more nervous and frustrated. When he finally couldn't take it anymore, he vamped in front of Elijah, stopping the Original in his tracks.

"Look, we came here to talk; so, let's talk. But we should promise each other something first," Danny stated, receiving a raised eyebrow in return. "No more secrets – no more lies. This conversation stays between us – deal?" He stuck out his right hand.

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