Chapter 39: You Can't Handle the Truth

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Chapter 39: You Can't Handle the Truth

October 10, 2010

"So, Danny, tell me the truth: who's your favorite Winchester?"

".... You called me in the middle of my tattoo session for this?" Danny finally replied after a moment of quiet.

In the two weeks since Danny's spat with Castiel and the delivery of Klaus' threat to Damon, the oldest Salvatore had decided that he needed a break – from Cas, his brothers, everything. On the 27th day of September, he had packed his bags, taken Damon's car, and driven up to Sioux Falls to spend time with his baby mama and their unborn son. Bobby was less than thrilled to have him there, seeing as how he didn't much care for the fact that he was a vampire. He was, however, very understanding of his need to get away and spend time with his family, so he didn't put up much of a fuss.

He spent most of his time with Karen, showing her pictures of the crib he had put together – something she gushed over endlessly. She informed him that the baby had spoken to her, and said that he would be here 'soonish'. While they weren't quite sure what their son's definition of 'soonish' was, they both decided that they had to get a lot of stuff done in very little time. This prompted the two to head out of town for the weekend to purchase some things for 'little Damien,' as they had started calling him.

By the time Danny was done with his vacation, he had a trunk packed with baby clothes, bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, and everything else he hadn't known he needed. On his way back, he decided to make a pit stop in Chicago to get some new tattoos from Ramone, the vampire who had done his previous ink jobs. He had an anti-possession symbol tattooed on his chest over his heart, despite the fact he couldn't get possessed, he thought the design was cool and badass. He then gave Ramone a piece of paper, upon which was what he wanted on his left arm. It was as Ramone was working that Dean called to ask his inane question.

"You're getting inked up again?" Dean asked in a tone of disbelief, his question momentarily forgotten. "What're you getting this time? Raphael turning into salt?"

"Hmm, good idea, but no. Thought I'd go the more sentimental route and do a little 'in memoria' and have the names of people I've lost written in Enochian on my arm," Danny replied, looking down to where Ramone was currently inscribing Lexi's name.

"Huh, that's.... cool, I guess?" Dean finally said, his tone unsure. "Whose names have you got?"

"Uh, there's Mia, Julia, John, Jo, Ellen, Lexi, and Gabriel," Danny answered after a moment of thought. "I'm only counting people I actually cared about who have permanently died. Otherwise, there wouldn't be enough room on my entire body for that list."

"I know everyone else, but who the hell're Mia and Julia?"

"Julia was the first person I ever fell in love with, and Mia was my birth mother," the hybrid was silent for a moment. "I may never have met her, but that doesn't mean I don't care for her."

"Right... why Enochian?"

"Embracing my heritage," Danny shrugged his right shoulder, receiving a look from Ramone. "Why'd you call to ask me who my favorite Winchester is?"

"Uh, no reason..."

"Dean," Danny replied in a gruff tone, imitating Cas.

"Don't give me the Cas voice."

The two bickered back and forth for a moment before Dean finally relented and told him about a case he and Sam were working on. When someone in the town they were in asked for the truth, anyone they talked to gave it to them – no matter how brutal or cruel it was, they had to say what they genuinely felt. Danny was intrigued by this, wondering if – as the vessel/reincarnation of the archangel of truth and justice – he'd be able to do something like that one day. Dean was more curious as to why whatever power was at work there wasn't affecting the hybrid.

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