Chapter 6: Feelin' Saltzy (UPDATED)

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Chapter 4: Feelin' Saltzy

June 16, 1863

Julia Saltzman

April 16, 1836 – June 9, 1863

"Even on the darkest night, the sun will always rise."

The dark-haired man frowned at the words as he gently placed a white lily upon the gravestone. His fingers ghosted over the words, his mind struggling to put together what exactly it meant. No doubt something profound – something undeniably Julia. The thought brought forth the saddest of smiles upon the man's face as he sat down in front of the stone.

"William is safe. I took him to Austin – your brother-in-law's house – just like you wanted," he stated in a soft tone, fingers playing in the grass beside him. "I thought about keeping him – being a father was something I always dreamed of."

He paused, giving a dry chuckle at her imagined response. "Yes, yes, I'm aware I once said I wanted to be a pirate. You should know better than anyone that that all changed the day I saw you walking down the street." He paused, shaking away the memory as he continued on with the previous conversation, "Anyway, much as I wanted to keep him – he was a part of you, after all – I know he will never be safe in New Orleans. It's not safe for humans."

He paused again, rolling his eyes. "Yes, of course I know it's not safe for me either. Three quarters of this city could – and most likely want to – kill me. They'd be fools to try though. The Mikaelsons would rain down hellfire upon them, I'm least, I hope so."

He trailed off at this, pursing his lips as he stared off in the direction of the city. His left hand moved to his right, absentmindedly twisting the daylight ring that rested there - a gift from his sire once he had proven that he was in control of his hunger and blood lust upon becoming a vampire. He was still unsure as to why his sire had saved him, or why the Mikaelson's home had been opened to him so easily. 

Curious though he was to know the answers to these questions, he wasn't stupid enough to ask them aloud. There was a distinct possibility that Klaus would decide that he didn't belong there and would kill him out of sheer boredom. 

The thought alone would've been enough to drive most vampires away from Niklaus Mikaelson - even Julia had insisted that he run once she found out what and who he was. But Daniel Salvatore was no coward, and he always honored his debts. At the moment, he owed one of the Mikaelsons' his life, and he'd stay with them as long as need be to repay that debt.

Daniel shook his head again, letting loose a great sigh as he glanced around. He jumped to his feet quickly as he noticed how dark it had become, the last vestiges of sunlight disappearing over the horizon - making way for the night-bound vampires that would soon roam the city. 

Damn, missed my curfew. Elijah won't be happy. He grimaced as he dusted off his pants. The Original vampires generally didn't have very many rules that he had to abide by, but they did have an important decree that they demanded he stick to: be in the compound before the sun sets.

A simple rule to be sure, one that he had only broken once before this day - on June 9, 1863, to be precise. Elijah had forgiven him for it, and had even been understanding and sympathetic upon discovering that Daniel had been trying and failing to save the woman he loved. That, in his mind, had been punishment enough.

Unfortunately, Daniel had no such excuse. Could say I was ambushed by a vampire. He mused as he briskly walked out of the cemetery. I can already imagine Elijah saying 'well, perhaps that wouldn't have happened if you had been on time.' Daniel sighed, shaking his head as an affectionate smile appeared on his face - his first one all week. No. Better to be honest. Hopefully he'll understand that I lost track of time.

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