Chapter 4: Revelations (UPDATED)

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Chapter 4: Revelations

Date unknown, 1853

A lone figure sat beneath a tree poised upon a hill. His pencil twirled in the fingers of his right hand thoughtfully before he ran the aforementioned hand through his unruly mop of jet-black hair. The movement turned into a scratch as he narrowed his ice-blue eyes at the notebook in his lap that bore a half-drawn stag, a proud set of antlers resting upon its head. His tongue poked out between his teeth, brow furrowing as he brought the bit of graphite in his hand down upon the parchment once more. A few strokes and a moment later, the drawing was finished, a proud smile upon the teen's face as he looked upon his artwork.

The drawing completed, he folded the page back before turning to the next sheet, pencil poised once more to etch a figure upon it. He was pulled away from his sketch by the tinkling sound of children's laughter. He glanced down the hill overlooking the sprawling estate of his home to see two boys, one thirteen and the other five, chasing each other around the yard and rolling in the grass, giggling with joy at their game. The teen on the hill gave a soft smile at the joy and innocence that seemed to radiate from the two, half-tempted to abandon his art and join them. After a moment, he shook his head with a smile before turning back to the parchment and beginning to draw once.

"What are you doing, Daniel?" A strong, masculine voice asked mere moments later.

The teen, Daniel, froze for a moment. Pencil tip poised over the paper, jaw rigid and face set in a permanent scowl. He took a moment to collect himself before resuming his drawing.

"Sitting beneath the tree," he replied in a curt tone.

Drawing. Enjoying myself. Breathing. All the things you hate me doing. He bit his tongue to prevent himself from continuing on sarcastically. As far as Daniel could tell, the man was not angry - yet. It would not bode well to provoke him.

He heard the sound of liquid sloshing about in a bottle before the man replied, "Stop your lazing around, boy. There's work to be done."

"Well, then you'd best skip to it hadn't you, Father?" Daniel replied, his tone taking on a steely edge at the last word.

Sensing that the man was already in a foul mood - no doubt assisted by the beverage in his hand - Daniel saw no reason to curb his tongue. Since the bear had already been poked, why stop? His father, Giuseppe, was a mean drunk - liable to target anyone in the household for even the smallest of transgressions. Even imagined ones. At least this way, Daniel himself would be the sole target of his wrath rather than his two younger brothers.

"You mind your tone with me, boy," the man began in a threatening tone, walking around the tree to stand in front of Daniel. "I am your father, and the head of the house. You will show me some respect."

"I'm sensing an 'or else' at the end of that sentence," Daniel remarked in a dry tone. He looked up from his completed drawing, eyebrow quirked upward to show how unimpressed he was. He placed his notebook and pencil on the ground as he continued, "But," he rose to his feet, folding his arms over his chest as he stared at his father with pure loathing. "I find myself questioning what could possibly be worse than having a drunkard like you for a father."

A fist slammed into his left cheek, just as Daniel had thought might happen. He stumbled back against the tree, feeling as Giuseppe grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the tree, bottle forgotten on the ground.

"You would do well to mind your manners, son," Giuseppe growled, leaning close to Daniel's face. The teen had to suppress the urge to turn his face away as the putrid scent of alcohol wafted its way into his nostrils.

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