Chapter 37: Raph Gets Salty

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Chapter 37: Raph Gets Salty

September 18, 2010

Danny sat up, clutching his neck and looking around frantically. He felt a hand on his shoulder, prompting him to grab and twist it. He rose up swiftly as he did so, twisting the person's arm behind their back as they yelled in a mixture of surprise and pain. I know that yell... He frowned, looking down to see it was Dean he had attacked. What's he doing here? And where even is...? He trailed off, looking around to see that he was in the living room of his home, where he had been laying on one of the couches.

Dean made a noise, reminding the hybrid to release him as he looked around in confusion. I remember Mikael and Klaus... I was about to tell Klaus about Katherine before I heard a 'snap.' He quickly realized that – judging from the slowly fading stiffness in his neck – that he had made the snapping sound. Or, rather, his neck had. Despite his curiosity as to who had done it and why, he settled for dealing with the more immediate bewilderment he currently found himself in.

"Dean? What're you doing here?" he questioned, helping the hunter to his feet and glancing at his wrist to make sure he hadn't broken it.

"Yeah, no, my hand's great. Thanks for asking," Dean replied sarcastically, rotating the appendage. "I was nearby, thought you might want in on a case Sam called me about."

"A case? What kind of case?" Danny inquired, his interest piqued.

"No clue. It's in a town called Easter, in PA," Dean informed him. When Danny stared at him, he expounded with, "Look, Sam didn't give me any details, and Kate suggested that I bring you along so you could get a read on him."

"'A read on him'?" Danny repeated. "I'm not a psychic, Dean. I don't 'read people'."

Now it was Dean's turn to stare at him, his eyebrow quirked upward in a gesture of mild disbelief, prompting the hybrid to roll his eyes and say, "All right, fine – I used to be a psychic. But not a real one. I was faking the whole time to blend in with the carnies. Took Gabriel four months to find me that time."

"So, are you gonna help or not?" 

"I would love to, Dean, but I have some problems of my own to deal with. So, if you don't mind, I need to find one or both of my brothers so I can deal with them," Danny told the man, clapping him on the shoulder and beginning to stride past him.

Dean stopped him, taking an envelope out of the inside pocket of his jacket and handing it to him. Danny frowned at it, seeing that the envelope was addressed to 'Big Brother' and was written in Damon's familiar scrawl. The hybrid opened it carefully, taking out the piece of paper and frowning at the words written on it. 

Klaus killed Mikael. Stefan and Katherine are in the wind. 

Have fun on your trip.


P.S. Sorry I snapped your neck.

Short, vague, and straight to the point. Only two of those sound like Damon. He chuckled to himself. He reread the last line, debating whether or not he should be pissed that his younger brother had killed him. Again. Deciding that he would figure that out later, he told Dean that he'd be accompanying him on the hunting trip and ran upstairs to change and grab his hunting bag.


"Nik, I know you're lying," Dean said on his phone, getting out of the car. "Because I lie professionally, that's how. Now, tell your mom that you broke the damn thing and take it like a man. Okay? Okay, okay." There was a pause as he walked over to stand in front of Sam. "Yeah, love you too, kiddo."

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