Chapter 29: War Never Changes

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(Stay tuned to the end of the chapter for a chance at a bit of audience participation)

Chapter 29: War Never Changes

June 21, 2010

Danny stumbled a bit as Castiel dropped him off in front of his house that night, giving a mock salute as the angel disappeared again. He shuffled wearily to the front door before turning the knob, frowning when it didn't open. Of all the times to lock the door... he grumbled, banging his head tiredly against the door. I could just sleep here. He mused, closing his eyes with a sigh.

Immediately, the door opened to reveal Damon, who caught his brother as he fell. He helped pull Danny inside and walk to the couch, closing the door when his brother had finally been settled down. He walked into the kitchen, returning with a glass of water and handing it to Danny, who thanked him before chugging it gratefully.

"Rough night?" Damon commented, sitting on the couch across from him.

"Mhmm. We lost five of our squadron before we managed to beat back Raphael's forces," Danny informed him, pressing the ice-cold glass against his throbbing head. "Any word on Stefan?"

In the month since Damon had been bitten and Klaus had undone his curse, quite a few things had changed. The first of which was that Klaus had healed Damon – and in exchange had taken Ripper Stefan on a road trip with him and secured a promise from Danny that he would not follow them. The second was that, after the two had disappeared and Damon was back to full health, Danny had told his brother everything – Alistair, Lucifer, him being a Nephilim, etc. Damon took the news surprisingly well, even making a few jokes out of Danny being the son of Satan.

The only thing he had left out was that he would soon become a father. It wasn't that he didn't trust Damon, it was more that didn't want to risk someone entering his brother's mind or compelling him for information. Danny, Karen, and the Winchesters were the only ones who knew about Danny's unborn son – though Karen was trying to convince him to at least tell Ric. Danny didn't think the man would be able to handle knowing that his sister was practically dead so soon after his girlfriend died, but knew that he would have to tell him eventually.

The last thing that had happened was that the war with Raphael had officially begun. Cas had placed him on the front lines, combating Raphael's forces alongside other angels. The battles were rough and brutal, even with Danny drinking Cas' blood on a – now daily – basis. He was just grateful that he hadn't had to face Raphael on the battlefield yet, he wasn't quite sure he'd be able to handle it.

"No. Just a bunch of dead-ends and a few maybes," Damon replied, leaning back against the couch. He frowned when Danny groaned, massaging the dark circles beneath his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Are you alright?"

"Fine. Just angel radio – still not used to it," Danny grunted, relaxing when the voices faded away.

"Still don't get why your friend made you turn that on – all it does is give you a headache."

"It's in case I need to be contacted quickly by him or other angels. It's hard to dial up 1-800-SALVATORE when you're in Heaven – or in some other place with no cell service," Danny informed him tiredly, scowling at the glass of water in his hand and wishing it was bourbon.

"You know, you could have a drink and he would never know," Damon told him, noticing his brother's look.

"Except for the fact that I promised to never lie to him."

"Yeah, that was your first mistake," Damon informed him, receiving a half-hearted glare in return. "I just don't think it's right that some dick angel is ordering you around. No alcohol, no human blood – what's next? No sex?"

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