Chapter 16: Hell Fire(Edited)

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Chapter 16: Hell Fire

February 16, 2010

Danny awoke the next morning with a stiff neck and a dry mouth. He opened his eyes blearily, noticing that he was laid up on Bobby's couch. He sat up with a groan, rubbing his neck as he glanced around the room, spotting a glass of red liquid. He picked it up, sniffing it experimentally before shrugging and drinking it. He gave a small sigh of relief at the cooling sensation of human blood running down his throat. Hearing movement from the entryway to the kitchen, he turned his head to see Cas standing awkwardly, staring at him. Danny gave a small half smile - relieved that the angel was alright.

"I wanted to thank you," Cas spoke suddenly.

"For what? For almost eating you - again?" Danny raised an eyebrow, taking another sip of his drink.

"For sacrificing yourself to protect me. I know it couldn't have been easy to force yourself to feed on a demon," Castiel answered, walking further into the room.

"You're family, Cas. I won't hurt family," Danny answered with a shrug.

"Still, I appreciate it. You showed great strength when you threw off Famine's control- strength I'm not sure even Alistair possessed at the height of his power."

Danny scowled at the name, taking another drink of blood before setting it down on the side table, its contents empty. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs and looked up to see Dean standing in the hall entryway, his wrist wrapped in a bandage. Danny glanced between his wrist and the glass he had been drinking from, wondering if it was Dean's blood he had drank.

"Hey, how ya feelin'?" Dean asked, leaning against the frame.

"Peachy. I take it I have you to thank for the donation?" Danny gestured to the empty glass.

"Yeah, Cas said fresh blood would help speed up the recovery. Besides, it was the least I could do after you took one for the team," Dean shrugged in response.

Danny rolled his eyes before getting to his feet, popping his neck as he did so. He then said, "I really wish you guys wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. I did what I had to do to protect my family, any of you would've done the same."

"True. But would we have been strong enough to?" Cas countered.

Danny pursed his lips before responding, "Let's hope we won't have to find out."


February 20, 2010

Danny flipped another page in his book, pulling back his hand swiftly upon receiving a paper cut. He looked down at his finger, watching as the wound quickly healed over. He stuck his finger in his mouth, withdrawing it once all the blood had been siphoned away. He was about to return to his reading when he heard a knock at Bobby's front door, prompting him to sigh and rise to his feet. Upon answering it, he was surprised to find -

"Cas? What brings you here?" Danny questioned before frowning as he took in his appearance. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"I uh," Cas seemed to hesitate for a moment. "Sam and Dean talked to Joshua - who talked to God who said that he's not getting involved in the apocalypse."

"Uh-huh," Danny replied. "And that's what's got you all upset?"

"Disappointed," Cas corrected. "And since your life has basically been one endless series of disappointments, I figured maybe you could help me deal with it."

Danny opened his mouth before shutting it abruptly, unsure of how to respond to that statement. On one hand, he knew Cas was being his usual blunt self and didn't mean any harm in the comment - he probably meant it as a compliment. On the other...well, it was kinda rude. Regardless, Danny decided to disregard the unnecessary parts of his statement and focus on what was important: helping his mate.

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