Chapter 30: The Return of the Hybrid

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Chapter 30: The Return of the Hybrid

August 30, 2010

"Damon, remind me again why I'm here."

"Because, it's the Founding Family potluck, and we're part of the Founding Families," Damon explained, stirring one of the many pots of chili.

"Y'know, I throw up in my mouth a little every time I hear that term," Danny grumbled.

It had been a little over month since Danny had come clean to his younger brother about everything – with the exception of Lukas – and resolved himself to become a better person. According to Damon, that involved getting out and socializing with the commoners – sorry, citizens - of Mystic Falls.

He had also come clean to Ric, receiving a right hook to his face for his troubles. Afterward, Ric had calmed down a bit and had been equal parts excited about getting a nephew and grief-stricken over the knowledge that he'd lose his sister. He had tried to demand custody of his unborn nephew, to which Danny responded that – despite his efforts to become a better person – that he would make Ric spontaneously combust if the man ever tried to take his son away from him. Ric had backed down at this, respecting the ferocity with which Danny protected his unborn child and realizing that an immortal and nigh unkillable being would probably be the better option for taking care of a – most likely – supernatural baby.

The war with Raphael had died down a bit after word had spread that Castiel had a supernatural killing machine on his side. Danny was both proud and relieved at this. He was proud because he had essentially scared an archangel away from fighting him, and relieved because he now had time on his hands, which he used productively – either visiting Karen and his unborn son or taking up hunting again, sometimes with Kate in tow.

"You do realize that I hate like, 98% of these people, right?" Danny questioned, sniffing some sort of green chili and recoiling immediately.

"I'm guessing Ric and I are the 2% you don't hate?" Damon surmised, receiving a nod in return. "Look, just stick around until the end of the council meeting, then you can leave, alright?"

He received a grumbled agreement in response. Ric chose that moment to appear in front of the brothers on the other side of the table, clutching a beer in his hand.

"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret," Damon told the man. "Founders parties are just an excuse for the council to gather in back rooms and plot against vampires."

"Hence why I don't go to these things. I prefer to do my plotting out in the open where everyone can hear about it and ruin it," Danny replied sarcastically, eyeing Ric's beer before receiving a nudge from Damon.

"Hey, uh, I think you need to take a beat with Elena," Ric informed Damon, seeming to start his own line of conversation.

"Excuse me?" Damon questioned, turning to face the man.

"Aaand that's my cue to leave. See you at the AA meeting, Damon," Danny saluted him, turning away and walking toward the mansion.

Danny walked through the mansion, eventually finding his way to the former Mayor's office. He sat down in one of the armchairs, rolling up the sleeves of his tan plaid flannel before readjusting his backwards black baseball cap. When Damon had forced – asked – him to attend the Founders' thing, Danny had decided to dress down quite a bit, wanting to give the correct impression that he did not care about the council, nor did he remotely take it seriously. To that end, he had worn his flannel, frayed blue jeans, brown boots, his hat, and a grey V-neck shirt.

When members of the council started filtering in, he started receiving odd looks, much to his amusement. All I need is a bottle of Bud and I'd be a regular redneck among these bourgeois buffoons. Danny snickered to himself as he pulled out his phone and began playing Tetris on it. When everyone had finally gathered, night had fallen and the Mayor had begun talking – most of which Danny tuned out in favor of staring blankly at Damon.

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