Chapter 32: Ghosts of Salvatores Past

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Chapter 32: Ghosts of Salvatores Past

September 7, 2010

Danny sniffed before stirring, frowning in confusion when he found himself in an armchair in his living room. Perhaps Damon came to pick me up? He pondered briefly, gazing around the room for any sign of either of his brothers. Something feels.... off though. He narrowed his eyes, pursing his lips in thought before he realized something: he narrowed his eyes. Both of them.

He lifted up his left hand, noting a triangle shaped scar on the back of it as well as on the palm. Tentatively – and with much hand shaking – he lifted his hand up to touch his left eye, sighing with relief when it did not pain him. He lowered his hand once more, tilting his head to the side as he listened to the sound of...nothing. Maybe....I'm in my head? He wondered, starting to rise to his feet.

One way to find out. He vamped over to the library, taking in the sparse and mostly empty shelves. What drew his attention, however, was a glass cabinet – one that was not present in his own home – that had a few books beginning to fill it up. Danny moved over to it, frowning when it did not open after he tried pulling on the handles.

"You didn't say the magic words," an amused voice said behind him.

Danny whirled about, a faint smile appearing on his face as he spotted the boy he had seen last time. The hybrid took a step forward, prepared to embrace him in a hug when he was stopped by the sudden appearance of a chess table. He rose an eyebrow at the boy who pulled a chair seemingly from nowhere and sat in it, gesturing for Danny to do the same. The older Salvatore blinked at him – savoring the fact that he could do so here – before snapping his fingers and sitting in the chair that appeared. The boy waved his hand, and the chess pieces arranged themselves on the board – black on his side, white on Danny's.

"So, what're the magic words?" Danny questioned, moving his pawn to E4.

"My name," the Elioud responded simply. He pondered the board for a moment before moving his own pawn to E5. "In that case is every mention of me – I figured it would be best to set up some sort of barrier or warding in case someone successfully broke into your mind."

"Y'know, you're sort of stealing the whole 'protective father' role away from me – and you're not even born yet," Danny remarked, moving his knight to F3. "...Do you like it? Your name, I mean?"

"I'm quite fond of it, actually. You chose well," his son responded, tapping his chin before moving his other pawn to F6. "You're probably wondering why you're here."

"The thought did cross my mind," Danny smirked, moving his knight to E5 and taking the boy's pawn.

"Hmm," the boy frowned. For a moment, Danny saw his own face in the way the boy's eyes narrowed and his lips puckered slightly in thought. Finally, he moved his pawn from F6 to E5, taking Danny's knight. With that done, he finally said, "I brought you here for a number of reasons. The first of which is selfish – I wanted to see you again. The second of which was to tell you not to be afraid."

"Afraid? Afraid of what? Raphael?" Danny questioned, moving his queen to H5. "Check, by the way."

"Nice move," the boy conceded, moving his king to E7 and out of check. "And no, not Raphael. I daresay you conquered that fear when you faced him on the battlefield." He gave Danny an approving smile – something that warmed the man's heart immensely.

"Then what?" Danny wondered, moving his queen to E5 – simultaneously taking the boy's pawn and putting his king back in check. "Check."

"I'm not sure," he shrugged, moving his king to F7 and out of check once more. "It was hard to see...there was darkness, and blood. I heard dogs but.... not dogs. It's hard to explain."

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