Chapter 19: Carry On(Edited)

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Chapter 19: Carry On

March 17, 2010

The plan had been simple: Sam says yes to Lucifer, jumps in the hole, and everyone else lives happily ever after. Unfortunately for Team Free Will, nothing ever seemed to go according to plan. Lucifer had been well aware of their plan from the very beginning – even seeming to find it a touch amusing. Upon jumping into Sam's body, he had disarmed the rings, taking them with him as a souvenir.

That's not the only souvenir he brought with him. Danny thought grimly, rattling the chains on his wrist that tethered him to the ceiling tiredly. He was exhausted at this point. His hair was practically slicked down on his head, dripping with sweat. His entire body was sore, though there were no visible injuries on his body. He groaned slightly in pain as he moved his feet to stand beneath him, rather than allowing the chains to hold him up. He rolled his eyes at the nearby demons who had jolted slightly and took a few steps toward him at his movement.

He exhaled through his nose in a small sigh, gritting his teeth irritably at the muzzle attached to his face, keeping him from biting anyone – specifically Lucifer. How do I get myself into these situations? Why couldn't I have just stayed out of it and let the Winchesters handle everything? Why did I have to start up hunting anyway? He sighed once more, lolling his head back, wishing he had a wall to lean against. He knew why he started this – knew when all this began. His fate had been sealed the moment he had walked into that bar almost 35 years ago.

March 18, 1975

It was around 10 pm at a little bar called Bucket O' Suds in Chicago. The interior was that of your typical bar – dimly lit, wooden floors, booths, pool tables, darts, and filled with the smell of cigarette smoke and the raucous laughter of biker dudes and truckers. There were two men, however, who fell into neither of these categories. The two sat at opposite ends of the bar, one closer to the pool tables, the other was closer to the wall, as far from everyone else as he could get.

The man by the wall quietly sipped his bourbon, already bored of the place as he carefully twisted his glass in his hands. He heard the small tinkling of a bell, signaling the arrival of another person. The smell of perfume that hit his nostrils alerted him that it was a female, the clacking of heels drawing closer to him were an even bigger tip off.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" The woman asked, smiling at the man flirtatiously.

"Not that I'm aware of," the man replied tonelessly, not even sparing the woman a glance as he ordered another drink.

The woman smiled, letting her hand brush his as she sat down. He didn't pull away, instead choosing to ignore her existence as he tried to relax his tensed muscles. The woman took this as an invitation to scoot closer, their arms touching as she smiled at the man who continued to stare into his glass.

"I'm Margaret. What's your name, handsome?" The woman asked, running her fingers along the back of the man's right hand.

The man paused, tapping the side of his glass thoughtfully before taking a drink and responding, "Danny."

Margaret continued smiling, reaching up a hand to brush Danny's dark hair from his face. His hand reached up swiftly, grabbing her wrist before her fingertips got close. He took another sip of his drink before releasing her, still not glancing in her direction. He could feel her staring at him, as well as another pair of eyes from the other end of the bar. He didn't feel the need to see who was glaring at him, instead calling to the bartender for another drink.

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