Chapter 26: The Name Game

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Chapter 26: The Name Game

April 12, 2010

"So, we're headed back now, right?"

"Headed in that direction, yes. We just need to make a quick stop in Cicero," Danny replied. Noting her confused look, he expounded with, "Indiana."

It was the following afternoon after Danny had received the greatest news of his life. He and Karen had talked at great length about who they could and couldn't tell – their son would be an Elioud with many enemies just because of what he was, after all. Not to mention the fact that Danny had made many, many enemies of his own over the years and his son had now become his greatest weakness - not that he minded, of course.

They had both agreed to keep it a secret from everyone in Mystic Falls – from everyone except Bobby and two others, in fact. Danny was just on his way to inform those two people of the news, and was feeling equal parts nervous and excited. He had also decided to erase Elena's memory of Bobby's - not wanting to chance that she may have overheard something.

"Why're we stopping in Cicero?"

"A couple of friends of mine live there. Thought I'd stop in and check on them since we're headed that direction anyway. Might take a bit, we have a lot to catch up on," Danny informed her.

Elena nodded, staring out the window for a moment before looking at him and asking, "If you had a chance to kill Klaus, would you?"

"Wow, I didn't know it was 'out of the blue' question time, you should've given me more time to prepare," Danny replied, raising his eyebrows over his sunglasses. "In answer to your question: no. Klaus is an old friend – practically family. We may've parted on less than agreeable terms, but I would never go out of my way to permanently put him down."

"What if he went after Damon and Stefan?"

"He won't kill them – he can't."

"Why not? What's stopping him?" Elena questioned hotly.

"Let's just say that I have something on him to keep him from going too far," Danny replied vaguely.

"Then why don't you use it to keep him away from Mystic Falls?"

"It wasn't part of the agreement. We agreed that so long as he doesn't kill me or my brothers – or tell anyone that I was alive – that I wouldn't retaliate. I never said 'no entrance to Mystic Falls' or 'the doppelganger's off-limits'. I got what I needed out of the arrangement, and now we're settled," Danny stated in a matter-of-fact tone, signaling that yet another line of questioning was officially over.

"You really don't like talking about the Originals, do you?" Elena sighed.

"Gee, what gave me away?" Danny rolled his eyes. "The Originals were my family for a long time. I'm not going to betray their secrets to anyone – no matter what terms we may be on."

With that, Danny turned on the radio and cranked up the volume on whatever new-age crap they were currently playing on there. They stayed silent for the few hours it took to drive to Cicero, following the directions Danny's phone told him. When night had fallen, they pulled in front of a modest sized house, the porch light shining brightly, signaling that the inhabitants were home.

Danny turned off the car, exiting it and jogging up to the door with Elena following more slowly behind him. Danny knocked on the door three times before stepping back a pace, clasping his hands behind his back. He didn't have to wait long for the door to open, revealing the small form of Kate staring up at him with a surprised look on her face.

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