Chapter 23: Mementos

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Chapter 23: Mementos

March 30, 2010

"Hey, kiddo, how's it hangin'? If you're still watching this, I'm assuming that you're really desperate to talk to me – that or a huge pervert."

Danny gave a dry chuckle and a half-amused, half-sad smile. He was currently watching the DVD that Dean had left him – the one he was positive had to have some sort of message from Gabriel for him. Turns out, he was right. Sure, he had to sit through a couple of hours of bad acting and see parts of Gabriel he never wanted to see again, but it was worth it in the end.

"Now, I know you're probably a weeping, sobbing mess on the floor right about now – I don't blame you," Gabriel smirked at the camera. "But, it's time to pick yourself up and get back in the groove of things, kiddo. Before that," he held up a finger, his face growing more serious. "I think it's time I be more honest with you."

Gabriel took a deep breath, seeming to prepare himself for what he was about to say next. "When I first saw you at that bar in Chicago, I knew who you were. I knew about Alistair and all that other stuff before I came up and talked to you. For a moment, I thought I had my nephew back – until you compelled that guy to get his ass kicked. That was the moment when I realized something important: you weren't Alistair, you were just a dick."

Danny opened his mouth to object, before realizing two things: one, he was right. Two, there was no point arguing with a video recording that was never going to reply back.

"But, the guy had it coming to him – so I figured, what the hell, maybe he's not so bad?" He gave a low whistle. "Boy, was I ever wrong. You had some major – and I mean major – issues. Like, you would make even the best of shrinks lose their marbles. But, hey, I like a challenge and I figured I at least owed it to myself to try and help you out.

"So, I took you out on your first hunt – you did a damn good job, despite what I may have said at the time. And that's when I discovered something: you still had the capacity to do good. You had your humanity turned off – you could've let that kid die, it certainly would have made the job a hell of a lot easier – and you saved him anyway. You made me proud, kiddo."

Danny gave a small sniffle, pausing the tape and rubbing the tears away that were forming at the corner of his eyes. He took a deep breath, letting loose a breathy chuckle. Get ahold of yourself, Danno. There's still more left on the tape. He unpaused the video and braced himself for whatever Gabriel had to say next.

"But, enough with the mushy gushy stuff – let's get down to business," Gabriel stated. "I'm not sure where you're at at this point in time – maybe Lucifer has succeeded in turning you into a Nephilim, maybe not. If he has, you've probably noticed a few changes. Glowy eyes, weird powers – things like that. You may have also noticed that using your abilities doesn't come as easy to you as it does to other angels."

Gabriel then explained that, traditionally, Nephilim are born into their power – they grow up using it, and it becomes part of their entire being. Danny, however, did not have that luxury. He was forced to turn into a Nephilim, and his body was still adapting and adjusting to the new transition. There was, fortunately, a way to help the process.

"You have to drink angel blood. It'll help you get control of your abilities – things will be a lot easier. I'm not saying you have to do it, I'm just laying all the info out for ya, kiddo," Gabriel paused, his eyes seeming to look directly at Danny through the screen on his laptop. "Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you'll make the right choices. I believe in you, kiddo. Good luck, and give'em Hell."

The screen faded to black, prompting Danny to close his computer. He rubbed a hand over his face, processing Gabriel's words over and over in his head. I need to drink angel blood? How very... Sam Winchester. Except a hell of a lot less demonic. But, the last time I drank angel blood, I almost ended up killing Cas. He ran some fingers through his hair haphazardly. Maybe now that I'm a Nephilim, it'll be diff- His thoughts were cut off abruptly as he heard the breaking of glass coming from downstairs. What the hell?

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