Chapter 31: Raphael v the Shredder

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Chapter 31: Raphael v the Shredder

September 6, 2010

"You need to concentrate."

"Oh, right, my bad. I was so busy trying not to concentrate that I forgot to, silly me," Danny replied irately, staring at the wound on Cas' wrist.

They were back at the warehouse again that morning, and Cas had decided Danny should try to learn how to heal. So far, they had made no progress. Much as he tried to, the hybrid's brain couldn't seem to process much other than the fact that fresh angel blood was currently dripping down his favorite angel's wrist - a cut that Castiel had made himself in order to give the hybrid something to practice on.

The ground beneath their feet began to vibrate lightly, prompting Cas to put an end to the session and heal his cut. Danny panted heavily, wiping the sweat beading on his brow as he sat down, leaning his back against one of the support columns for the building. Cas reached inside his coat, pulling out a bottle of water and handing it to the hybrid. Danny scowled at it for a moment before unscrewing the cap, chugging half of it in one go.

"No word yet on Raph and the rest of the ninja angels?" Danny questioned, placing the cap on the bottle and beginning to twist it back and forth absentmindedly.

"They're not ninjas," Cas responded, not getting the reference, much to the hybrid's amusement. "And no, it's been oddly quiet. I must admit, I find it...."

"Disconcerting?" Danny supplied, receiving a nod in response. "Yeah, me too. Feels a bit like when Lucifer went quiet – like he's gearing up for something big. Think he might actually show up to the next battle?"

"Part of me hopes he does not – he would decimate our forces -"

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence."

"And another part of me believes that if we were to beat him, we would win over many to our cause," Cas finished before looking down at the hybrid curiously. "Do you think you could beat Raphael if you were to fight him now?"

"I'd definitely give it a shot – you know me, I love a challenge," Danny gave a half-smirk before seriously considering the question.

After a moment, he held up his right hand, palm up, and conjured up flames. He watched the blue-tinged white flames dance, flickering and waving, bending to his will. Not even a year ago, fire scared me. It paralyzed me. It would have killed me if not for Cas. He curled his fingers, allowing the tips to harmlessly touch the flickering light before relaxing and letting the fire pulse in time with his heartbeat. I learned how to make and control it – I didn't need to be afraid anymore.... But I am. Not of fire, no. But Raphael killing me – I'm afraid of dying. Of leaving my son alone and at the mercy of that asshole, who would most assuredly kill him.

Can I really face Raph? Am I strong enough to? A hand on his wrist jarred him from his thoughts, and he looked up to see Cas looking at him, his expression unreadable. An upsurge of determination swept through him suddenly, replacing the doubt and uncertainty he had been feeling moments before. It doesn't matter. I'm the only one strong enough to face Raph and protect my friends. Fear has no place here, I have to do what I have to do.

With that thought in mind, he allowed the flames to vanish from his hand. He twisted his arm, grasping Castiel's wrist and giving a firm nod. The angel nodded in return before tugging on his arm, pulling the hybrid to his feet. Danny opened his mouth, perhaps to vocalize his decision to fight Raphael if it came down to it, when he was interrupted by a sharp 'ping' resonating in his head. He grabbed the sides of his head with an audible groan, noting that Cas was doing the same. Many voices – each layered over the other – clamoring for Cas' attention, for his help. All of them saying the same thing: Raphael had come. And he had brought friends.

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