Chapter 11: My Favorite Angel(Edited)

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Chapter 11: My Favorite Angel

January 15, 2010

The month that followed the vampires' escape from the tomb was a rather uneventful one. Cas and Crowley were both radio silent, Gabriel had been phone-dodging him, there had been no potential hunts that had caught his interest, and he still had no word on Lucifer's whereabouts. That last one was mildly unnerving to the oldest Salvatore, considering the fact that Lucy-loo was trying to use him to bring back his deceased archangel son- ya know, the usual hunter bullshit. He was starting to think he shouldn't have relocated the Winchesters; they might've come in handy at this point. However, he couldn't allow Michael or Lucifer to obtain their true vessels, which would be no bueno.

Speaking of things that were 'no bueno', Damon had decided to snap Alaric's neck after provoking him the other day, something the man was none too happy about. He was lucky that he had a magic ring to protect him- one of the Gilbert rings, if Danny wasn't mistaken- from dying, otherwise things would have been awkward between him and Karen. Now, Danny had to do what he usually did-clean up his brother's mess. And so, he found himself outside of Alaric's apartment on an early Friday morning, hoping to make peace between himself and his pupil's brother.

Raising his hand, Danny knocked three times on the door before stepping back and waiting for the door to open. Hearing it unlock, Danny put on his politest smile as the door swung open to reveal Alaric, who immediately tried to slam the door in his face. Danny quickly put out a hand, keeping the door from closing in his face entirely.

"Whoa, hey, I come in peace, Ric," Danny smiled, flashing the Spock sign with his other hand.

"Why should I trust you? Your brother tried to kill me the other day, and he killed my wife," Ric retorted, trying and failing once more to close the door.

"Agreed, my brother is a reckless dick and- at times- incredibly stupid, but I'm here to apologize on his behalf," Danny tipped his head in an apologetic manner, stating, "As for me, you have my word that no harm will come to your family from me."

"Again, why should I—"

"Ric, it's fine, you can trust him," came the feminine voice of Karen from inside the apartment.

As Alaric turned to respond his sister, Danny felt his lips curl into a smirk of satisfaction that she was taking his side. It slipped away quickly, replaced by a pleasant smile as the man turned back to face him. Danny waggled his fingers at him as Ric continued to stare at him suspiciously. After a few awkward moments slipped by, Ric opened the door and invited him in, watching him carefully as he strolled into the apartment. Danny took a seat in one of the armchairs, settling his left foot onto his right knee and clasping his hands together to rest on his chest. The Saltzmans took a seat on the sofa across from him, Karen's eyes flicking between the two men as though expecting one of them to erupt.

Deciding he should start, Danny said, "As a show of good faith, Ric, I will answer any question you have. So, ask away."

"How do you kill a vampire?" Ric immediately shot at him.

Danny raised an eyebrow at the man, already wishing he had a glass of bourbon in his hand as he replied, "Wow, right of the gate. Beheading, ripping out the heart, or any wooden object into the heart will kill a vampire. Most of the time, anyway."

"Most of the time? What's that supposed to mean?" Ric asked skeptically.

"Well, generally speaking, the older a vampire is, the stronger they are, and the harder they are to kill. The oldest of my kind cannot be killed by any of the ways that I've just described, nor should you have to worry about them. Next question," Danny replied smoothly, wanting to get away from the topic of the Mikaelsons.

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