Chapter 28: Properly Squiffed

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Chapter 28: Properly Squiffed

April 28, 2010

Danny laid in his bed, hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling blankly. Part of him felt bad about the way he had treated Damon last night – he was his brother, after all. But another, much stronger part of him was still pissed off and seething with suppressed anger and rage. Could just be the angel blood talking.... that, or I've officially snapped. That thought troubled him a bit, though not as much as he thought it would.

He rose from his bed, agitation and restlessness surging through him. He began pacing back and forth across his room, hands clasped behind his back as he walked. He eyed the painting of the stag that hung on his wall, debating retrieving a drink from the safe behind it. With a shake of his head, he grabbed the jacket he had worn the previous day from the back of his desk chair. Putting it on, he walked to his door, exiting it and locking it behind him. Turning around, he jumped a bit at the sight of Elijah.

"Could've done without the heart attack, Lijah," Danny grumbled, placing a hand over his racing heart.

"My apologies, Daniel, I did not mean to startle you," Elijah replied sincerely. "Stefan, Elena, and I are going to discuss our plan on dealing with Klaus. Perhaps you might like to join us?"

"Hmm....pass," Danny hummed in response, pushing past his sire and making his way down the hall.

Elijah stared after him for a moment before calling out, "And here I thought you'd be looking forward to killing Klaus."

"What the hell ever gave you that idea?" Danny questioned, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion as he turned slightly to look at Elijah. "Klaus and I aren't best buddies, but I don't want him dead. That's ya'll's deal. I'm staying out of it and going drinking."

"Are you sure this doesn't have anything to do with Damon?"

"It doesn't. But, getting away from him is a nice bonus," Danny grinned walking toward the stairs.

"It sounds like there's a story behind what he said," Elijah pressed.

"There is – ask Stefan," Danny called back as he descended the stairs.


"Wow, your brother sounds like a dick."

"Preachin' to the choir on that one, sweetheart," Danny rolled his eyes, finishing off his bourbon and gesturing to the bartender for another one.

After leaving the house a couple hours ago, Danny had found his way to the Mystic Grill and began the process of getting thoroughly trashed. Midway through, he had decided to call Kare and get an update before calling Dean and Kate. He had just finished explaining what was going down between him and his brother – after downing copious amounts of bourbon first, of course.

"You don't tell someone you know has been to Hell to go back there – you just don't," Dean added, and there was a sloshing sound of a beer bottle accompanying it.

"That's what I said! Well, that was general gist of it, anyways," Danny exclaimed, nodding in thanks as the bartender gave him another drink.

"Although, to be fair – and to play Devil's advocate a bit – you might've taken it too far. Sending him flying out of a second story balcony and slamming him into a tree seems like a bit of an overreaction," Kate told him.

"You may have a point there – but I'm not apologizing," Danny replied stubbornly, drinking his bourbon.

"Good God, don't!" the two replied simultaneously.

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