Chapter 24: Sanctuary

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Chapter 24: Sanctuary

April 3rd, 2010

Danny let loose a small groan as his eyes flickered open, taking in the darkened ceiling of what he quickly realized was his bedroom. He sat up slightly, his hand clutching his head as a sharp pain shot through it. He rubbed it lightly, sighing with relief as the pain faded. Glancing around, he spotted his phone on his nightstand and picking it up. He frowned slightly at the date, April 3rd, before noting the numerous missed calls from Bobby. With a small shrug, he decided to call him back later before swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

Rising to his feet, he took a moment to make sure he was steady before walking to his bedroom door and opening it. He paused, frowning as he heard a variety of voices coming from downstairs. With a small sigh and a roll of his eyes, he made his way through the hall and down the stairs. He paused as he entered the dining room, his lips twitching slightly as he fought to suppress his amusement at everyone staring at him wide-eyed in surprise. His gaze skimmed over Alaric, Damon, John, and a couple of chicks before finally coming to rest on Elijah.

He was silent for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. After a second of thought, he finally settled on, "Your hair looks ridiculous."

Elijah seemed taken aback only for a moment before responding with an amused smile, "At least I don't look like I live under a bridge."

Danny took a moment to look down at his rumpled dress shirt and frayed jeans before shrugging and giving the 'fair enough' expression. He pulled a chair over from the side of the room and brought it over to the end of the table. Taking his seat, he glanced around at everyone who continued to stare at him. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed an empty wine glass and poured liberal amounts of his second favorite red liquid into it.

"You know, it's quite rude to stare," Danny commented, waving his glass around in a circular motion under his nose so as to savor the aroma.

"Sorry, but, who are you?" Asked a rather pretty red headed woman.

"Daniel Salvatore. Oldest of the Salvatore brothers. And who might you two lovely young ladies be?" Danny gave his most charming smile as he took a long drought of wine.

"I'm Jenna Sommers – Elena's aunt," the red head replied.

"Andie Star, newscaster for the WPKW9," the brunette stated.

Danny stared at her blankly for a moment. That's a lot of letters. He shook himself, regaining his smile as he replied, "Enchanté, Mesdames."

"Ooh, you speak French?" Andie asked, an intrigued expression on her face.

"Oui. I lived in New Orleans for awhile and picked it up," Danny responded nonchalantly. He swirled the contents of his glass around for a moment before adding on, "I can speak quite a few languages, but French and Latin are by far my favorites."

"I'm surprised you left a busy place like New Orleans for a small town like Mystic Falls," Jenna commented.

Danny gave a small shrug, taking a small sip of his drink as he did so.

"To be perfectly honest, I've never been entirely fond of staying in one place for too long. I prefer traveling around."

"For someone who enjoys traveling, you sure have made quite the home for yourself here," John said in what he thought was an innocent tone.

Danny narrowed his eyes sharply at him, half tempted to cut the fingers off of his other hand. After deciding that it wouldn't be polite to do so in front of his other guests, he said, "Well, you see, Johnny boy, I have a little something called 'loyalty to my family.' A concept that, I'm sure, still eludes you. So, yes, I love traveling, but I love my brothers more."

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