The Black pod

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Team rowdy 7
Buck lvl 1 to 3 totem frenzy barbarian
Xexion lvl 1 to 3 battle master fighter.

As xexion and i go through the keep on a murder rampage we get to a room full of potions as this undead look goblin cover in stitches cackling. I rushed in swinging my greataxe and this little thing dodges. Xexion goes for a swing and he misses it seem to be like ultra instinct dodging us till i get it pinned in a corner critical swing cutting to his waste as his stitches split he regenerates as he come back together as i recklessly attack him splitting him in half a black tentacle pod falls out .
   We started to argue how we would deal with it I wanted to keep it in a jar as a pet he just wanted to crush it. Oddly as we argue it pierced my leg and enter my body giving me large amount of power as it consumes my heart replacing it. As my right arm turn to a cluster of tentacles as I rush out the sensing a large creature deeper in. The goblins run in fear as i get to a cliff front court yard  a large adult red dragon stood infront of me . In a demonic voice  i called out "your dragon ass is mine unless you tell me where Thordak is!"
   The beast laugh and say stomping his claw" your funny mortal time to face your fear how about your family." The claws glow a necrotic green as three goliaths rise from the earth as it bucks family his father his mother and his grandma with her giant spoon. I went to a frenzy rage ripping the corpse in half crush all their heads with my new arm as Xexion enter the court yard to see this carnage. As i got closer to the dragon before i could speak my chest rips open as black threads came out of my body.
  Xexion with quick thinking cut the threads as the pod jumps out and omni slashes it to paste . I fall to the floor dead my vision go black till i wake with a heart in me beating the dragon out of respect of Xexion saving him resurrected me and offer 3 pieces of treasure from his horde.  We went through i grabbed the dwarven belt to boost my constitution and help me resist poison while growing a beard as Xexion found a buster sword  that worked for him and we find and agreed together a bag of holding and we were able to keep what was inside of it as we were given a list which we owned 4,000 gold pieces ,900 silver pieces and  5,000 copper pieces, and a silver javelin. We took our prizes and headed home to Waterdeep after i grab my fathers tiger pelt, and grandmas giant stone spoon. The next morning xexion gave me his commission great sword since he had a buster sword. I went to a tattoo enchanter to gain the bear totem in a tattoo and gain my father resistance to everything but psychic damage and carry double what i could normaly. I look at Xexion as we hand in mail the head of  Gotty and received 500 gold pieces for it.  Xexion and i headed off to our next adventure not knowing a fabulous dancer and dragon knight was heading our way.

Wow thats was crazy who arethenew adventurers that are coming ? What was that black tentacle pod? What will buck and his new friend do or become? If you like it let me know.

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