The Revenge of Raksasa & The Hanging elf

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Team rowdy 7
Buck lvl8-9 raging monk
Xexion lvl8-9  battlemaster holy revenge
Percy lvl8 unconscious
Bleu lvl 8-9 magical pirate
Chai chi lvl8-9 holy chef
Vrox lvl 8-9 insulting rogue
Alithana lvl8-9  dragoon knight
Leoris lvl 9 swashbuckling rogue
Thow the last chapter said was true, but there is more that was missed. After buck met our tengu sorcerer when the team was researching the cave. I chai-chi was hanging on buck to keep him company as he was good with runes and magic. We were talking till he saw something Xexion walk out to check on us during a light snow fall. Before he could talk to us buck took off charging with a look on his face of nostalgia but yet fear. I held on for dear life  as Xexion fallowed us. I scream what did you see as snow pelt my eyes all buck saw softly as we stopped in a small clearing there was this tiger lady. Bucks eyes became teared full but Xexiom drew his blade in anger.
Buck said mother what happen? Xexion growl saying that not your mother is a devil. The devil laugh and says that yes she is a devil but same time is also Buck adoptive mother in her previous life. I jump down from buck as Xexion instructed me to get the team . I ran with all my might as buck and Xexion fought as she threat to kill me but buck took the damage before going to a frenzy heartbroken rage.  I knew buck new the team was needed i screamed out don't die to buck as i cast healing word to recover those wounds .it took me as moments as i was screaming for bleu. Bleu and the others heard me than came running to me i told them fallow me and ran to the boys. Buck was taking spells after spells while whipping him and stabbing Xexion.
Bleu pull out her boomstick and shot the devil before i shot my spell guiding bolt. It started to fly in the sky laughing as it cast the spell fire ball buck jumps to the air 20feet  taking the brunt of the spell. Landing almost cinders he grabbed me and told Xexion throw us. Xexion some understood and tossed him. As we flew he said stirfry her purify her. I nodd as he football threw the rest just as he reach half way i started to cast it so that when i made contact she would burn. The flames strike and burned her to cinder and ashes leaving gold her whip and her black steel dagger as i fell i embraced death as i was falling 120 feet in the air. The bird sorcerer cast feather fall which gave buck the chance to run onto a completely frozen lake when the spelled end buck dove and catches me . We slid across the snow into a snow bank i pop out in buck hand surprised as i looked at him. The burns were bad as he was at thrid degree burns forming the letter x on his chest. Xexion came over placing his paw on buck healing the burns saying you did good buck you did good. Bleu rush over helping me up as Buck tears started to fall in a quiet sob and he kept saying I'm sorry  over and over in the soft snow fall   on us we work our way back to town to rest as we needed it . After a day of rest bleu learned for what we just fought as buck was able to stand it was late at night around 8 he said he was going out. Bleu chose to go with him to make sure nothing bad happens
Buck  and bleu head out of town. She asked him where you going buck handed her a letter from krahl of what was needed and need snow wraiths plasma to access the nightmare realm through sleep. The walk was long and dark till three pairs of blue eyes surround them buck stayed as bleu climb the nearest tree and climbed up for sniping point. Frost gathered on buck skin as they were taking his strength but a bright aura protected his soul. The took out 2 as the last started to fly off before bleu could reload she point out her hand and scream burst chicken as a feather of a bird morphed into a chicken chasing it. It exploded as it turn to just plasma a fresh chicken dinner fell next to full cook and ready to eat. Buck grab the plamsa as bleu collected the chicken and gave him a leg. They headed back to town buck received a mental message from krahl saying go to the next town an elf need your help as his destiny is change to join them buck relay the message to bleu as they slept in on the cart Xexion stay in town to stay with protecting Percy as the team gather the last few pieces of the ritual.
It tool two days travel as we got there buck saw this privateer male elf being lead to the gallows. It was noon an he was the only one. Buck insight him seeing that he is guilty of crime but not sure of what. Right before the rope broke the mans neck buck threw his iron rhino crested hand axe cutting the rope only having fall to the ground. Buck call out  that man is a free man an order of the iron rhino he belongs with me. The guard took buck to the jail house with the elf man and they argued the captain was another goliath and they argued like giant forces fighting in combat. In the end buck got his way as he just drop the bail money and extra with the message scroll  connecting to Krahl and Zerin the guild master  as they left his team and the now free pirate look at him and he just grins that asshole never stop amazing us as we head to the bar.  Buck tell us why we were assembled, and told us he not taking charge till it deal with iron rhino business.
We agreed no one was in charge as we are friend now and are equals.
At that moment a small gnome woman call buck over and said it was time. Buck told us that we are staying in town while he train an way of fighting using focus rage to his fists.

 Buck told us that we are staying in town while he train an way of fighting using focus rage to his fists

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*again i dont own any music or pics i put them in as it help with the theme*
Well it seem buck is more than a barbarian what more is to come? What more suffering must he endure from his past so he can keep his frie nd safe? Find out next time in the adventures  of the rowdy 7

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