The Mistake

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Team Rowdy 7
Buck lvl 6 to 8totem frenzy barbarian
Bleu lvl 6 to 8magical pirate
Xexion lvl 6 to 8 holy battlemaster fighter
Percy lvl 6 to 8 dancing cleric
Alithana lvl6 to 8dragoon dragon knight
Well it finally my turn Xexions chapter. As the team got a small place to call base aka the ship we all started to look for work as adveturers we cleared out a small bandit camp. Buck got another talking sword this one more mean to him. Luckily he didnt change mentally but the black blade loved combat.
   As the Bleu and Percy was dealing with the other enchanter to get a good deal . They climb into bed with him as a three way and this all happen after Buck bugged the avitar of the god of the sea by being smashed by a whale. He still looks for it calling it motherfucker. It gave us another bag of holding and potions for a fourth of the price.
After buck got a week of recover the girls did him one more time. This time we were there as percy ask for new blades which they paidfor with sex but as they girls came out they soon falled in pain  as black lumps rosed from the bodies. Bleu got it out  of herself. while buck cut  it out of Percy he smashed the same black organ as bleu shot hers that infected buck. The enchanter walk out morphing into a tentacle beast  with a giant mouth.
  We all attacked it . buck was more reckless as he went into a blind rage. Both me and buck did the most damage to it but it was bleu boomstick  that ended it as she shot all 7 hearts. As this thing died a creature named Lazarus  spoke from it as we all saw a shadow dragon fused with and cthulian  creature. Laugh that he stilled lived i knew it was almost time to take my vow and i am thinking vengeance . Buck vow to protect us before falling to one need have taken the most damage he was at death door but wasnt out yet the man was proven to be stronger if he was bigger. It was that day he asked me to help him find the titan knuckles or make enlarging gauntlets. I agreed to help him with this.
  It took a day for buck to recover the wounds even with Percy cure wound spells scared were made. Alithana, Percy, and bleu was concern Buck was pushing to hard becoming to reckless opening my palidin eyes i saw buck bright aura like the sun was becoming clouded and dark. But the next few days none of us knew how much we ment to buck as the next mission would change buck for  long time.
Wow Lazarus who or what is this thing is. What happening to buck why is he becoming more reckless or have a dark aura . If you wish for any other story beside my dnd one let me know but for those enjoying this more is to come.  Hope you enjoy and cant wait for the next chapter of the adventure of the rowdy 7

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