The Nightmare Realm

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Team Rowdy 7
Buck lvl 9-10 raging monk
Bleu lvl 9-10 magical pirate
Leoris lvl 9-10 swashbuckling rogue
Chai-chil lvl9-10 holy chef
Alithana lvl9 dragoon
Xexion lvl9-10 holy battle master
Percylvl9 unconsious
    After the team got all the ingredients  they head back to the church. Xexion greats the them. Krahl  is walking to them from the north. Buck and Krahl hugged as good friends, Buck nodded as Krahl comfort him saying it be okay.  They gather around Percy get onto beds surrounding her. Krahl  took the ingredient forming a circle and mark with red berry paste on the forehead. Krahl  clap his claws saying in a runic language a spell and the team are mentally through to the nightmare realm.

  They land in a dense Victorian city as street forming amaze to multiple towers

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  They land in a dense Victorian city as street forming amaze to multiple towers. The group looks around a sees a red string connected to Buck ring finger. Buck took lead taking his holly sword cutting do the demon that plague this land.  The team help killing the demons with him till the one from the box showed up.
The battle dragged on as it healed as it was damaged till bleu hit it with Boomstick with holy damage and buck with the holy blade. It screamed in pain as everyone switch to holy damage on it last leg buck walk to it head and just lops it head off. Buck eyes seem to grow cold less as he stares at the beast laughs before turning to ash.
  They go to the tower inside they here percy screaming in pain screaming for buck. With out hesitation buck kick the door open bleu shoot a lanky creature as buck tackles it to the ground Vrox and Leoris took the time to grab Percy out of her chair she was strapped to as they let Buck just rip the creature apart with his bare hand. When all was done Bleu got Percy calm. Vrox with leoris shoot with their shortbow s more creatures away. Buck kisses Percy head calling for her name a dragons hand and grabbs her out  as they gang start heading to the portal where the came in. Buck made sure the gang got out of the portal as it closed up . Everyone but Buck came out it took Percy divine prayer to give Buck a portal as cuts were forming on his body he wakes with a inch of his life left. The group stepped back as Krahl to time and pull buck to magic healing and surgery to fix him.
It took 12 long hours the group recovered their wounds and talk to Percy what best not only for her but the young ones and how they need to handle Lazarus. As they mention Lazarus an hood figured came in,  she held a crest of the iron rhino.  She didnt give them her name but told her that they need to take care of the remaining core before he awakes from his stone imprisonment.
Bleu ask what need to be  done as the hooded figure told them in the crypts is a beholder, the pirate that always devour, and in cult of the beast. Krahl walked out covered in blood." Buck is safed but he made need rest but if gets that far agaim he going to need to retire ... he like a brother to us dont let him die for good. Ill get his replacement but it take months but it up to you what happens to him." He says this in anger and disapointment. Bleu out of instinct and was done of this dragonborn. She walked up to Krahl and slaps his face tears rolled down his eyes." Buck got percy back we got both of them back he an adult not a child he sacrifices alot for us and everyone around him so shut your mouth or ill make you!" Percy screams at him . Krahl kept quiet as the hooded woman and him leave. The group came to as buck was back on his feet in three days he hugs Percy. "It time to deal with Lazarus before it time for the kids. He spoke calmly to his friends. They all nodded as they inform him of the Beholder and buck agreed to take him out first before the pirate. Buck head to the black smith and buy two standard greatswords as he held an idea to take the beholder but didn't tell any one.
   They head off in the morning. Percy and Xexion stayed behind to train and learn their place for their god. Buck held around his neck a pendant made by Percy a symbol of Aeia the goddess of love and sex. With a goal in mind and a way to get it done they head to the crypt where the beholder lies.
Hey sorry for the delay as i lost internet but when ever i can post i will but wow bleu is a determined woman to defend her family and friends. Will they loose  buck to a fatal end or will they keep him alive?
Find out next time in the adventures of the rowdy 7.

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