The Purple Enchanter

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Team Rowdy 7
Bleu lvl 5 to 6 magical pirate
Buck lvl5 to 6 totem frenzy barbarian
Xexion lvl 5 to 6 battlemaster fighter
Percy lvl 5 to 6 dancing cleric
Alithana lvl 5 to 6 dragoon dragon knight

As bleu the pirate called out harpies are coming. Out of instinct I Buck Fleshhammer ran out only grabbing the healing greatsword. if the beast cant handle me my birthday suit to bad. I ran out in a mighty rage onto the ship. Xexion threw a few javelins and it hit one as Alithana shot another with her elvin longbow. I started my climb to up the mast get a drop on them.
It was odd as these beast sang bleu eyes glazed over piont her multi cylinder gadget as it made a simular sound as before i got hurt from a metal ball. In moments the sound happened again i got hit and fell off the mast and busted through the deck the moment i landed she came to. She try to shoot on after it got light up by Percy guiding bolt.
Everyone kept up on their targets but i teamed up with bleu help her. I threw my greatsword connected to rope but miss and they started to sing and bleu shot my arm. I screamed at her to stop it but she shot me one more time before snapping out of it.
At this point it was done i call to Xexion for rope and we caught one together play tug of war ripping it in half before threatening to do to the others. Xexion smile happily with me before the flew off . Out of rage as i hate cowards threw another javelin leaving one left before combat was over i collapse out of exhaustion.
It wasnt till we were out in sea heading to Emon over all my wound became clean and healed as i wake to Percy cleaning my hand axes. She told me to relax as I rose from my cot i gave her a hug as i started to head to work on the ship and train to hone great weapon master to cause more damage. It took us a few month but i gain the feat as Xexion gain his feat.
As we got to Emon we headed to a very special shop. I found Grey Skull Keep home of Vox Machina. Bleu and Percy found the enchanting store Gilmore Glorious Goods. Xexion and Alithana found Gilmore competition.
I came to Xexion and both me and Xexion didn't get a good feel for Gilmore competition and decide to stay away but the girls didn't mind.
As for us we got commission for a a few magical weapon by Gilmore.
Wow things are heating up for the gang. Who is this new enchanter and why doesn't Buck or Xexion trust him.
How will the team handle the moment. Find out next time in The Adventures of The Rowdy 7

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