The last Normal day of my life.

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Friday August 18th, 2149

I don't like my school uniform, they are black skirts with white button down shirts tucked in. I could wear slacks like boys but I don't like them either. At least my skirt has an elastic waistband. My crimson sash across my chest saying I'm in the last days of basic education.

I remember Dad walking me to school on the first day. Little me with an emerald sash. I was reciting my ABCs with my tablet in my school bag. And my ID hanging from my neck. It had my name and picture on it as a child. I would scan it to get my lunch. I want the same primary school as my parents like their parents and all the way back. It was a soft colored building with a playground, open picnic areas for eating lunch in warmer times. In winter we ate in the classroom. The windows have a thin white film. The beam looks like sunlight.

I met Lori that first day, when two second year boy's pushed her in the dirt. She was crying so I kicked one of them in the knee and the other I punched in the face. They didn't narc on me out cause what boy would tell anyone about getting beat up by a first year girl. Lori said she was her new best friend and I have been since that day till this one, for the rest of our lives. Primary School starts at age five, you get your own tablet with basic programs and games.Primary school goes on for nine years.

When vocation hours start you move to second school it's more tailored to your chosen apprenticeship choices. Also at thirteen you get the child restriction taken off your tablet. Everyone has a tablet where they were the top of the line on Earth a hundred years ago. We recycle them after a person has died and the family has taken what they want off it pictures, video, documents. The tablet is wiped clean given a software update. After all this time they are still good as new.

I'm sitting at the table in the cafeteria of my second school. The windows here are clear glass and you can look out to see the city. Looking at my homework que I have two history reviews, a set of math problems and a science scenario. A Lot of stuff I should be doing and I'm not doing any of it of course I'm writing in my journal nothing worth reading like my questions and summaries last night. No, I'm writing about my school uniforms and how much they suck.

"Hey Dilly." Lori says sitting down at the table already in her gray scrubs.

I pause from writing, fixing her with my I know up to something stare. "What do you want."

"I need a favor." She says her big green eyes shining brightly like two lily pads. Her cheeks blush with mischief. Lori is gorgeous, maybe the most beautiful person on the ark. Her lithe frame is covered in porcelain skin with blond hair that is ashy blond almost snow white. And, she knows it too, you'd think she'd be vain about it but she isn't. Looking at her once makes most people want her. While knowing her makes you love her.

I laugh about favors that always had something to do with date's. "What kind of favor?"

She takes a bright orange out of her bag. "I need you to do the discolights in my apartment like you did on my birthday."

"Who'd you invite?"

"Just some farmland boys and I need a plus one." She gives me a smile lately she's been trying to set me up with someone any guy will do in her mind.

I scoff of course she did, "How many points do you have?"


"Eleven?" I scoff out. "How come you're in full apprenticeship and still broke."

She sits back in the chair taking out another orange, "I spent it all on creative bribes for you. How many do you have?"


The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now