My First Day on the Job

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Monday December 14th, 2149

Looking at myself in the mirror this morning I saw how blue is good color on me. Mom said I looked so grown-up in my uniform, Dad just smiled that real proud smile. They looked really happy both for different reasons I'm sure. I felt really felt grown. Lori met me on train saying us working gals should go out this weekend.

On the train going to Mecha I looked at my new ID card it came last night while I was out, it has the same picture as before but instead of saying student it says apprentice full-time. Also since my job can be physically demanding one my rations have been adjusted. Also my tablet updated while I was asleep I now have access to every civilian site on Arknet.

Going into the common room of the mecha building I felt so nervous I don't know why. I'd been that room so many times knew it by heart form the coffee machine to the walkers wall where all the mecha who'd spaced walked wrote their names on wall. Every mecha dreams of writing their name there.

There are about fifty of us on the day shift we work from 7am to 3pm. Then the night shift comes on from 4pm to midnight again another fifty people. Also there are about fifteen or so appurtenances. The morning crew is mould around smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. I just stay on my tablet playing a game.

Robbie came in his tablet in hand ready to handout assignments. "Right everyone a few announcements before get started. One Sofie is doing well her baby is growing and she'll be back at the first of the year. And I would like to welcome our newest crew member Dylan De Rovia."

I gave a small wave and all everyone lets out loud whoop.

Robbie held up his hand for silence "Thank you. Now your assignment are on your tablets any questions."

The old guy sitting next to me stands. "First off welcome to the crew kid." He holds out his fist.

"Thanks old man," I say back causing a wave of laughs.

He winks at me. "Who is going to be her mentor?"

Robbie smiles, "I will keep her on as my apprentice."

The guy sits down a little disappointed he must be next in line for a apprentice. "Okay."

"Any other questions?" No one speaks so he says. "Alright let's get to work." They all down there coffee and stub out their cigarettes leaving the room.

I bring up my assignments it just says assistant to mentor. Looking at Robbie I say. "What's going on, boss?"

"We're going to the system core."

My eyes get wide. "Your serious?"

"Bring your coat it's cold in there."

The core is in the lowest part of the central command center. We have the core it quantum computer that holds all of the information from Earth. Also a server farm that hold data from the last hundred years. It's everything that we ever saw or everyone who was ever born.

My breath came out as white smoke as we enter the core. I was in my coat and parka given to me by the guard at the gate. The room is kept below freezing year round. This one of if not the most important rooms in the whole ship. Every bit of digital information goes through this room.

They gives us different laptops,ours were kept in the guard room.It only had one program on it, and Robbie said to go looking on it to just do the job. It was a simple diagnostic that I've done on countless other computers and servers even my own.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now