The Pairing Ceremony 2151

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Saturday February 4th, 2151

I don't know why I'm so nervous about tonight, I didn't think I would be since I know the end result. Lori is a mess I don't think she's slept at all this whole week. When we got our letters we both squeezed hugging each other. Mom was hoping that I would be in the last ceremony since I just turned sixteen. But, with Kye being older than me they want us paired right away.

Lori is worried about who, I am worried about the how. I know how sex works, where everything goes. It's just I have a great relationship with Kye. He's my best friends Lori graduated to sister. That's what we have a deep friendship, I'm worried that it won't translate into a good physical relationship.


I smile at Julian, "What do you think little buddy?"

He looks up at me his eyes are changing from the blue gray to grayish green like Mom. "Boo-boo."

"Are going to be good tonight?" The rule is that little siblings get to go. Julian can come to mine but since I'll be moved out and kids of my own I won't be able to go to his. By the time he's old enough for paring we'll have a colony on the surface.

Julian looks at me with wide eyes like he's saying who me? He giggles in his pearly baby voice. "Ooo." He reaches forward. I have him in his rocker a rue, he's four months old now right on track developmentally. I attached bright pieces of cloth for him to practice dexterity and cognitive development.

"This going to be your room soon." I say looking around. Kye and I talked about it, I'm going to move in as soon as possible. There is one month wait period before couples can move in. I've waited two years another month will be nothing. Then this will be his room good timing to since he's getting bigger. He was born 7 lbs 5 oz, 20 inches long now he's fifteen pounds of delicious coo's. Now he's doubled in size his bassinet in Mom and Dad's room is getting a little too sung.

I'm nervous for two years we've known and the most I've ever gotten is a new years kiss. Mom says it's going to be difficult because I have a past relationship. After tonight I'll have Dad tell her everything. Dad says not take it fast that we'll have our whole lives ahead.

Mostly I want to be us, Dylan and Kye not a side piece or slut. Kye, he doesn't want to be alone any more. He says I bring him good dreams. I tell him that he keeps the nightmares away. We make a good pair in that way, in a lot of ways in fact. I don't know if we would've if we hadn't met when we did.

Think about it the answer can only be no, because he was with me all this time we had hardships that made us strong. It made us look to each other for support that was our two year trial period. Now it's the endgame I know that the clock is ticking down.

I hear the door open Mom and Dad are back with my pairing dress. Its traditional that they buy it. They had my measurements, Mom asked about color I said green or blue since the are my best colors. We have to be at the pairing hall in two hours.


Entering the pairing hall I see Kye, Mom does to if she wasn't holding Julian she might pass out. Kye looks great in this pairing suit its jet black with a sea green tie that matches my dress. I look at Dad, he just nods. "It's going to be fine my love."

We all sit down at a table with a high chair. People are still flowing in groups of people are talking with each other while others look sick. The bravest among us are dancing. I stick with my parents playing with Julian until the speaker announce the meal will start. The meal is a full five courses the best of the best for tonight a least points don't matter.

Julian is to young for solid food but he's very happily playing with a spoon which isn't as loud as it could be. I stay at the table everyone knows that I'm here and that Kye is here. Amy the upper girl is here too in a golden dress that in my opinion is to tight she isn't eat which means she must have been sewn into it.

After dessert the captain stands and gives her speech about pairing and how we are fulling a great duty. She also reminds us that while most do fine love in their partner but if we so choose we can live singlaur lives with children of earth, the offspring of frozen sperm and eggs. I think it's a little hypocritical of her say this given that she is a lesbian but I keep that comment to myself.

As Kas stands to announce the pairs i feel my heart madly beat in my chest. I shouldn't be this nervous. All pairs are announced in alphabetical order Lori as far I know will be among the first called. He clears his throat and we all become deathly silent. "We begin with Lorelai Aber."

Lori is in a shamrock green ball gown with off the shoulder straps, stands looking at the men around her.

"Lorelai Aber you are paired with William Reese."

William Reese stands, he's average height, ebony hair. He's not tan like a Latino or brown like an african. He's arabic or indian maybe. They meet on the platform shake hands and take their silver ring boxes from the Captain and her wife.

"Dylan De Rovia."

I stand looking a head breathing evenly, this is moment is here. "Dylan De Rovia you are paired with Kyive Sinclar."

The minutes he say that the room collevitly breaths a astonished gasp. No one thought this would happen. I look at my Mom crying softly while Golden Amy wails in out loud sobs. As I walk to the platform I feel a twinge of pity for the guy she does pair with. A side from Kye she was the only upper here so her husband is middle like me.

As I make my way to the stress of the last two years falls away with each step more of jokes stop. It was worth it to me, because I know him and already love him, he's not a stranger and the stereotypes that I have about uppers don't really apply to him. On stage we smile at each other I hold my hand out to shake.

He takes it and pulls me close to him, kissing me. Its my first real kiss warm wonderful it sends my body into a euphoria. For moment we're alone it's me and him the people around us are just ghost. Two years I've waited for this two years I've waited for this his passion to meet mine. As we pull apart, I rest my head on his chest, tears of joy escaping my eyes. "Hi."

He kiss the top of my auburn hair, "We made it."

Kaspine clears his throat breaking into our world, "If you please move on."

I smiles at the captain as she hands me the rings. "I'm so happy for you, Miss. De Rovia."

Hand in hand we move into the reception room. Its smaller than the pairing ballroom this place is for new pairs only. The room setup with tables of champagne, there are little couches for close sitting. Of course Lori and William are the only ones in there as soon we enter Lori gets wide eyed.

"OH MY GOD!" She runs over pulling me into a hug. "You...He...This..."

William comes over, "Lori is everything alright?"

I hold out my hand. "I'm Dylan Lori best friend this is Kyiv Sinclar."

He gets the same wide while Kye gets us drinks. "Your...Him...How."

I laugh lightly, "You two will be a good match for sure."

Kye is still smiling when he hands them the drinks. Then he gets down on one knee, holding the golden ring. "Dylan De Rovia, I have loved you faithfully these last two years and if say yes I will love you for the rest of my life. I will you be my wife?"

Taking his hand I pull him up. "Of course I will it's you and me. It always was always going be, it will always be."

End Book One

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now