Highest Score gets the Ice Cream

19 4 0

Friday September, 14th 2149

Today I spent my vacation hours in the first school, teaching third graders their multiplication facts. It reinforced my indecision about my career. Little kids are cute and innocent while the age of nine is the best age. They're getting settled in their personalities but not teenagers yet.

The day went well with kids listening and asking for my help. I taught them tricks for the nine time tables and laughed at the funny things they said. I graded their test while they did their reading hour. Then I took them lunch, they all ate peacefully. My next class had the same no discipline problems and when it was time to dismiss them they asked if I would come back.

This is why I'm not set on repairs, I like teaching and interacting with children.Those are my options. I don't work too well with other people my age. Adults are fine and kids obviously but even as a teenager I don't like working with other teenagers. What I need to do is decide already.

My notification bubble beeps and I open the message. Dilly we need a girls night get dressed up go to the arcade play some games get some ice cream.

I pause from my writing. My fingers flying across the keyboard. I could use a night out.

It seems that almost every moment that I wasn't at work or school I've spent with Kye. Mostly that means being on the train or in his apartment. It wasn't helping the rumors that we're in a sexual relationship. Lori and my parents are the only ones who believe we're just friends.


I'm free tonight are you?



"Mom I'm home." I call into the apartment.

She comes out of her bedroom, "Dylan honey you're home early."

"Yeah Lori and I are going out tonight." I look down at her shirt, there's a button missing and her normally brushed and put up hair is down, wild looking.

"Oh that wonderful do you have enough points to get something to eat?"

The bedroom door opens then closes, crushing realization falls on me. "Oh Mom."

I tunnel vision to my room. "Dylan it's not what you think."

Closing my door I try to force images out of my head that I'm sure will never leave. "Thinking of my mother having sex is gross enough."

"Sorry love I thought you would be out." Her voice is low but soft, this is her doctor's voice.

"Clearly." I slide down to the floor. "It's fine but a little warning next time, please."

She laughs a breathless humorless laugh. "Okay."

Standing up I move toward my dresser, it's made of metal blunt led to the floor like everything else. My wardrobe at this point is my gray repair overalls, my school uniforms, three skirts, two blouses and two dresses and one pair of denim jeans. Also my winter coat but it's still too warm for that. Sim-season affects us all, plants need the change in pressure and subtle temperature changes.

The Arcade is a round building where the average young person or single will spend any free time. The first floor has an indoor pool for swimming and rock climbing wall. Then a set of stairs leads up to the game room with all kinds of game systems to play one or old style board games. There's also a food court serving all kinds of sweet snack foods. Third floor is a movie theater showing all kinds of movies. Dad and I used to get there every weekend he was off. The fourth floor is the VR rooms just put on the headset and enter any kind of roleplaying game you want. Top floor is the ball fields and basketball courts.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now