The Great Name Debait

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Thursday january 26th, 2150

After Mom's outburst yesterday when the call came in that she was indeed pregnant I wasn't surprised. Lori and I are still out of minds excited about it. Mom is so happy a little scared too, Dad is the happiest I've ever seen him. Now that we know for sure the kid's cooking we're all ready placing bets on gender. Dad is rooting for boy. He said that would make us even three for three. At first I didn't understand but now I do. Mom, Lori and Me three girls; Dad, Kye and this baby boy will even us all out.

Mom and Lori are in the girl camp. They want cute dresses and hair ribbons. But I'm with Dad a little brother would be awesome. Then in a few years he could very well like ribbons so maybe we could all be happy. Kye well, he agreed with me by default.

Work is becoming normal again the overtime crew's are leaving. In the lowers the pools are being refilled, the fish a species called tilapia where all taken out and the water drained. Of course there frozen eggs ready to put in place but even then it takes time for things to grow.

"Your early, Miss. De Rovia?"

I nod looking at my mathematics instructor. "Yeah people never use to talk to me now they won't stop. I went from joke to hero overnight. It's a lot to take in and I get that I did save us all but..."

"You don't think your a hero?" He asks leaning over the podium.

"No, I really don't." I open my tablet to avoid looking at him. "I did something brave but I wasn't trying to be a hero any Mecha could have done it I was just there."

He nods "Your still painfully young I guess most people forget that. I know I do, your what my Granny would call an old soul."

"I've heard that before I don't see it really."

"What do you see?"

That is a loaded question I am me I look at my reflection like I did that first night I started my dairy. "I see a woman who knows what she wants in life and confident. Even when everyone else says she shouldn't be."


We're all here in our apartment. Kye is the chair looking bewitched by the level of excitement we all have. Lori is the programing baby calendar for me so I'll know when all the major milestones are for development, she's putting in important doctor appointments. Mom and Dad are on the couch leaning close Mom has her hand on her stomach. The baby is the size of pinky toenail at this point but that's not stopping us from having this debate about names.

"Ray is a great name." Lori says, as the honorary sister has her heart set on the name Raymond. She hands me my tablet then using her own looks up the name. "Raymond. Germanic in origin meaning mighty one or wise protector."

"Mighty is good," Dad says his hand over Mom's both of them looking so sickeningly happy.

"What about Samuel?" That is my top name.

"Sam, Sammy, Samantha look it up." Mom says the name but her parched lips tell me she doesn't like it.

Bringing up the internet I go to a baby naming site. "Samuel hebrew, meaning God has heard."

"It's nice but maybe something else." Dad says gently.

Looking at the filters I put in a key phase like kindness and fairness. I scroll down the list. "How about Aleic. It means defender of mankind."

Dad smiles the name appeals to nerdy superhero kid that lives in him. "Aleic. Al. That's nice."

Mom nods chewing on the name she likes it, "Its good but I want a J name"

"John jr." I say innocently.

"No." Dad says firmly. "I don't want a Jr."

Lori looks at her tablet, "How about James Ray."

"Or," I say putting on my best sweet voice. "Joseph Aleic."

Mom laughs at us both. "Who says we have listen to either of you? And we still don't know it could be a girl."

Lori and I exchange hurt looks but I answer. "Well if you had done this ten years ago we wouldn't have had strong opinions like now."

Dad agrees, "They have us on that account."

Mom nods looking at Kye. "Mr. Sinclar your being unusually quiet."

I noticed it to he had that scientist look on his face his eyes were analyzing us like we're some new organism. "Sorry...ugh how about the name Julian it can work for a girl or a boy."

"Julian Aleic De Rovia." Dad says it there is a nice ring to it. He looks at me. "What do you think Little Bit?"

"I like it."

"Julian Rae De Rovia."

"Prefect name." Lori says smiling. I throw my pillow at her. She deflects it and it lands on Kye. We all laugh.


I noticed that Kye seemed so cold to the idea of a baby. I asked him about it his answer was heart tugging. "Having a baby isn't really big deal where I'm from."

"Why not babies are life proof that you love someone."

He shakes his head looking down at his blank tablet. "My Mom use to tell us that it was a basic anything with more than one cell could do it."

I was surprised and not surprised. His mother is a cold woman like his brother. Their jobs have blinded them to what life really is. "That's true." I take his hand. "But it is so much more than that."

Kye's amber eyes seemed to be confused. "How do you see it?"

"Ugh...Okay I've always seen it as creation. You and me we'll have a kids someday. We'll be giving a part of ourselves away. All that makes me me and you you will come together in new and different way."

He laughs blackley. "Nothing new under the sun."

I look in his eyes seeing a pain and I hate the people who put it there. "You listen to me Kyiv Sinclar cause this the realist truth you will ever hear. Everyone child who was ever born was or will be is a completely new person someone who never existed until then. In billions of years that the universe has existed there was never anything like you and after your gone there never will be again."

"What about Kas he's carbon copy of me."

I put my hand on his chest. "Not in here. Outside yeah he's just like you but inside you two different like fire and ice."

He takes my hand. "You think I'm fire?"

"I know your fire."

"Your my gasoline then."

He is fire not that I've seen a real fire. But, in old movies fire is alive sometimes it smolders as dim ember it watches and waits Kye is like. Then when the moment is right it burst to life giving warmth. Fire is also destructive force, I see it in him he knows it there. One day it will erupt out of him. I saw it before back in October.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now