A Planet and A Party All For Me

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Monday January 24th, 2150

I’m back home again, my room is filled with gift baskets and I’ve spent most to the day sorting it all out. We have many containers of candied pear and peaches along with jam’s of every kind. Cocoa powder and chocolate bars to satisfy Mom’s craving when she does get pregnant. Then the make-up kit that I got yesterday, along with my first pair of Upper red bottom shoes.

They aren’t the shiny black six inch heels that most of the higher ups like Kye’s mother wear. These are more of a amature upper shoe if there is such a thing. Mom says they are a low heel but when she first saw them she called them harlot shoes. They are a polished scarlet red  with a metal square at the top. I think it's a nice gesture but I’ll never willingly wear them anywhere. They are ugly in my opinion I already have them up for sell.

After I was discharges I posted a statement on the public statement thanking everyone for the generous gifts.

“Writing your heroic deeds for the future generations?”

“No I am trying I’m trying to sell those ugly ass shoes your Mother sent me.”

He chokes on his Popcorn, “What?”

I lean forward taking the bowl. “Someone an Upper sent me a pair of red bottom shoes, low high with a metal square at the toe.”

Kye laughs as he turns on the tv, “It wasn’t my mother.”

“Knowing my luck it was probably your sister in-law.” I say leaning on him his house smells like earth a wonderful natural smell that sharply contrast the rest of the ship. The lingering smell of open toilets with over harvest of fish it still smells rank outside. Most people are staying indoors or had wearing cloth strips with scented oils on them when they have to go out.

The screen stops and the ship seal comes on then fades to the  captain in her office. She’s sitting at her desk. “Citizens, I would first like to thank you all for your patience and level headedness during this trying time. I know so many of you acted courageously crisis. That I would like to thank you all. ”

“Courageously, “ I say minciacing her tone.

“Be nice she didn’t write this.” Kye says by the tone I know he’s smiling.

“We have been through many hardships this latest one details just how much we need each other. Today we owe our lives to two people, Dylan De Rovia and Roque Mkails. That is way the from this day onward the the ninth planet in the Gillespie solar system will be called De Rovia, with most distinguished feature being the Mt. Roque Cryovolcano.”

We both look at each other surprised the names of the planets are pre-determined named after pioneers in space exploration. Looking up like a animal catch in lights I ask him. “Can she do that?”

“She just did so I’m thinking yeah.” I say my face is in a permanent smile.

“And as show our appreciation the Astronomical Defence Crops will be holding a party for the  entire Mechanical Repair Service at the Astro-club.”


So, I have a planet named after me now which is awesome not gonna lie it's given me small bit of attitude. No matter what anyone has on this ship. I can say I have a heavenly body named after me whats named after you? If that isn’t cool enough the Astro-club is hosting a party for the entire mecha team. We’ll be the first non-astro’s ever allowed in. They say that the club has the best view of spaces.

New rations are coming into effect tomorrow beans, barley and leafy green are going to be protipy for young children and pregnant woman. The rest of us are going to be eating Korella crackers and protein powder shakes for next six months.The fish stores are overflowing but in week they’ll all be gone. Mom says properly stored it can last 6 months. I think they’ll in coolers at the exchange. Coming back from Kye’s tonight the market had a line not to long.

I thought about Mom and my new brother or sister, they are worth waiting in line for an hour, I’ve smelt worst. That was my plan until people started to recognize me. They let me take their place in line the whole line did it. I was at the front within five minutes. A guard was at the entrance was letting in groups of five.

I’ve never been in the market with so few people all of us made a beeline for the fish. There was a lot of fish smoked fish, fillets of fish and whole fish. Not really caring I just grab as much as I can. We don’t have meat much because it's rationed right now we have to much the ration is lifted.

Walking along the aisle back to the check out I go through the produce section. Helping myself to greens winter greens are jared or frozen from the summer harvest. Tomorrow these will be more expensive but with this is new ration if you aren’t on the list you might not even be able to buy it.

Using three of my point cards in all but I think I have enough to last for Mom’s first trimester that’s when all the important development happens, everything after is just getting big. Dad and I won’t eat the fish. Coming home they were both asleep on the couch. The last week was hard on all of us, if I had to guess I’d say crime will be down for next couple of days. We all just too tired to break any laws. I put the fish freezer and came straight to bed.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now