Today I'm 15

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Wednesday January 25, 2150

I’m fifteen years old today by the time I woke up the I was already fifteen. I was born at 3:47 am after about ten hours of labor. Mom always reminds of the how I was stubborn from the start. I’m quick to remind her that she could have it worst. With all that happened here the last few days I forgot that today is my birthday. I only remembered because Lori sent my a birthday message.

We’ve working overtime to replace busted pipes or drying out flooded parts. As basic as it is we all feel proud to do it a least we’re still to do it. Other then that everyone is excited about the party.Also I found a buyer for my Ugly Upper shoes.

Mom is at her appointment the odds a her being pregnant are slim they just took her implant out. Then again it could happen this has been the year of if you don’t think it could happen it definitely will happen. The more I think about it the more I’m sure she is pregnant. I’ll be okay with that at this point I’ve come to accept that my life is just one big surprise after the other. Some good some bad and trying to stop them would be like trying to stop the stars from shining.

“Dylan.” Cole says at my door I have the grandfather clock almost finished. “Robbie wants you in the common room.

“What for?” I say pulling my bag over my head. I’m ready to go Kye is waiting for me.

Cole shrugs but the corners of his mouth are pointed upward, he’s trying not to smile. “He didn’t tell me.”

Standing I smile at him. “You are a good friend but a terrible liar.”

“My wife says the same thing but you know my Mom’s they are great liars  at poker they clean house.”

Snickering at him I say. “You must get that from your father then.”

“Who ever he is.” Cole says with a unimpressed shrug.

I rise the question. “You never asked or looked him up?”

“No I never really wanted to know I had all the family I needed.”

We enter the comnan, Robbie is there along with the enter Mecha staff. It’s almost three so the shifts are going to change but this is different. “What’s going on?”

Robbie is smiling. “We are gathered here to celebrate our newest spacewalker.”

Looking to the wall I realize that I did a spacewalk my name goes on the wall, it all happened so fast and we’ve been busy since. This is the first normal day we all had. He holds out the laser pin.  Starting a chant “Walker, walker, walker…”

All the others join in low and slow at first then it gets higher and quicker. I bring my pen to the surface as the whole room vibrates. Stepping back I see my name surrounded by all the others that came before me. Cole picks me up on his power shoulders as the mecha’s all chant. “Walker. Walker.”

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Kye remembered my birthday, he was waiting for me outside the mecha building. He had a rose to match his sly fox smile, “Happy birthday Miss. De Rovia.”

“Why thank you Mr. Sinclair.”

He put his arm around me, he’s been doing that more and more. Holding my hand putting his arm around me it sends wildfire all over my body. Does he know what it does to me do I do that to him? Was this a warm-up to what we will be in the future.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now