Basic Cooking

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Wednesday November 25, 2149

There aren't many people on the train its late mostly just off duty guards coming back from the lowers. I just had dinner with Kye. He met me at the station and we went to the market together. It was really mundane but nice too. At the store we were looking around at the all the foods. Some of it like potatoes are grown year round others like fresh berries are in glass jars preserved.

"How is it that a person of your station is a terrible cook?" I say playfully slapping his hand away from tubers. The guy eats way to many potatoes.

He shrugs, "I don't know I never really cooked much growing up."

It took me a minute to get the statement I was looking at carrots. "Wait do you have cook?"

His red face answers for me I'd heard about the captain having a cook but being able to employ someone to do job that specific. "How high up are you?"

"Umm...Let's just say that your going have to teach me," Kye picks up a jar of pickles onions. "About all this stuff."

Gently taking the jar I smile. "Okay we'll start with the basic stuff and go from there."

His face morphed into a smile. "I'm good with basic."

"I know it's kinda sad." I tell him in my best wicked tone. Turning to walk down the aisle he stays frozen in place while I get us a bottle of olive oil.

Eventually he unfreezes jogging to my side at the fish counter. "I mean basic food what are we cooking tonight?"

"Classic children food since it's easy, fish sticks and onion rings."

Raising his hand he delivers the saddest sentence known to man. "I've never had fish sticks growing up."

Shaking my head in real sorrow I take his hand. "Yeah you have a lot to learn."

Back in his apartment I teach him the art of fried foods. He does good for beginner only burning one batch of onions. We sat down to dinner the conversation turned to school. I told him about Amy the upper.

"Little Amy-Marie. Her mother is head of the hygenic committee. I've known her for years."

"She's a grade A bitch and so sure she'll pair with you." I inform him chewing on my onion.

He laughs, "Me pair with Dumpling."

"Dumpling?" I giggle committing the word to my memory I'll use it later.

Kye takes a sip of his drink. "Yeah when she was little she would only eat dumplings so growing up she was...round like dumpling. She's like my cousin."

"Anyway," I know if he tells me to much I use it so I steer the conversation away. "So, what about Christmas? It's coming up what do you want?"

"Nothing I have all that I need but I do have a question?"

"Lay it on me."

"Why haven't you declared your career yet." He doesn't say it in a demanding tone more or uncertain.

I look at my fish, "If I do then my whole future will decided. My job, my husband, I'll know it all." His face darkens. "I love you i do and being a Mecha I love that too. There's just time now for my to enjoy being undecided.

The train stopped at central station where I got off but one of the guards was asleep I leaned to down to wake and the guy squeezed all over me. I couldn't get home fast enough to wash my face.

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