Tis the Season of Gifts

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Monday December 7th, 2149

So, I had the flu it sucked. The first four days that I was sick where fine I attended my class remotely and did independent study in my apprenticeship doing training modes called cognitions. My appited was gone but I kept hydrated and coked down a few protein bars. I thought I had a mild case until I didn't. There are three days I can't seem to remember clearly. I do remember being hot and thirsty. Mom says I was taking in liters of electrolyte rich liquids.

And, I've lost about ten pounds. I have a massive amount of homework to catch-up on. Not, only that it's December now I'm behind on my christmas gifts. The good thing is I know mostly what everyone is getting. Lori is getting a figurine that I haven't made yet it's just a drawing on my tablet. Dad is getting a watch a real one not thin metal one like all guards a real crafted one if its still at the exchange. I can repair as needed. Mom is getting silk scarf that's at the exchange too.

Lastly is Kye I have no idea what to get him. Being in quarantine for the last ten days hasn't helped because only my doctor/mom has seen me. Even Dad been limited to my door way.

Mom took all my stuff to be irritated and I've just finished putting my room back in order. It smelt like disinfectant so Lori my first visitor brought me her scent machine. It heats fruit oils that release pleasant scents. My room smells like oranges a big improvement if you ask me.

As to how I got sick a guard on Lower patrol brought back the germs. He was the same train as me that night I had dinner with Kye. He along with the other three other guards were sick. They spread it to their wives but far that's it all in all nine of us have been sick. Nine of us here if there is sickness in the lowers many more people could be sick probably are.

I'm worried about them. They don't get booster shots or have medical services like us. The only time medical intervention will be allowed is if the sickness disrupts the workflow. While I'm sure there is doctor down there without medicine what good they can do?

After lunch I took my first trip outside in ten days. Being in my room for so long the ship was huge in comparison. I walked on streets to the mecha building. entering through the garage it smells like smell of grease. Not a smell most people enjoy but I like it. I go past the grease monkeys to interior of the building. Past the classrooms of apprentices learning welding and metalworking. I'll learn that stuff of the while taking engineering classes.

Finally I make it the junk room. I find the last metal bits that I need quick enough but the small lights seem to be hiding. Or course I would find everything but what I need.

"Your quarantined for ten days your first day of freedom you come here. Keep this up and you'll have my job someday."

"Chief Dylan does have a nice ring to it." I smile leaning on the bin. "Christmas is coming I need parts for a gift."

He comes over and I show him my drawing. "Damn thats cute think you could do something like for my baby girl?"

"Maybe for her birthday I'm behind right now."

"I'll hold you to that." He moves down a row fishing for a piece. "I knew I saw these in here."

I scoff at the piece. "I've been looking for 30 minutes you found that in 30 seconds."

He holds out the parts, "When you've been here twenty years you'll know where everything is to."

My next stop is the exchange, I hope there still in stock. I say to myself. Because silk is a rare material most of what is available is expensive. It's mostly remade silk from discarded upper clothes dyed if possible with embellishments added. When I was little Mom would bring to the exchange with her and I would drag her to them. I always promised her that I would buy her one day.

Most Monday's are quiet but with the holiday almost here its a heavy day not packed like the weekends but more people then normal. I find the stall with no problems the same woman who's run it for years is still here.

"Little Dylan DeRovia."

I'm not little anymore. "Hi, Mrs. Santos. I'm looking for a scarf for my mother."

She nods a strange smile spreading on her face. "Forty years I've been running this booth so many sons and daughters promise to get their mothers one someday. You are one of the very few who've come back to make good on that promise."

I pick-up a pale yellow scarf with little red flowers sew into the fabric. "This one, please."

With Mom's gift there is noticeable dent in my account I walk through the stalls. The watchmaker, as he's called specializes in remaking watches the old kind that come from Earth. He has some that are ready for sale others are for the do it yourself kind of person. Nine times outta ten times because they can't do it themselves but I'm the tenth person.

He sees me coming. "Looking for something high end I have nice platinum here."

Looking at the shiney shells I smile nicely. "I need a sturdy metal something a guard could wear that won't wear down."

Taking a different watch he holds it out. "Titanium and chrome you could light this bad boy on fire and it wouldn't even smudge."

"But?" This is nice to nice to just be sitting in the open like the silk scarfs all the good stuff is kept in glass viewing boxes. While this is one was on the table where anyone could just grab it and go.

Turning it over he smiles. "It needs new insides." He nods to the pile of gears and tiny parts.

"I'll take it and the parts."

He howls with laughter causing everyone with in twelve yards to look over at us. "You?"

My blood heats up, most people lately seem to think that because of my taboo relationship I can't be smart enough to be a engineer. That really what a I'll be when it's' all over. "I'm a mecha apprentice I know what I'm doing."

The watchmaker huffs. "Sure kid take it all no charge just bring it back when you need it fixed."


"Working on school or christmas?" Dad ask from my door.

"I'm multitasking." I say not looking up my work. Robbie found the little LED lights that will make the base of the statue. Also the assigned reading is being read aloud.

"Isn't that function disabled on a school tablet?"

"Yeah," I say in the unimpressed tone. "But it's all code it can overwritten and rewritten. I paid attention in that class."

Dad looks at the piece of metal and wires. "You really know what your doing."

"Yes I do." I stand going over my closet. "I got most of what I needed today but this one is for Mom."

He opens the box seeing the cloth. "She is going to love it Little Bit."

"Good I have everyone but Kye, I have no idea what to get him."

Dad smiles, "Ask him that what I did with your mother."

"What are getting her?"

He gives me a stoney smile. "Something she really wants."

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now