The line gets crossed

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Friday October 11th, 2419

Most days I can handle the side looks and comments about what I do and who I do it with. Its fine I know the truth but today was a bad day all around. Starting with breakfast, Mom still isn't talking to me and the rift growing between us is making both of us short tempered.

Dad asked me if I had plans after work and I told him I had to meet some new friends of mine. Kitti emailed me about my costume asking if I could come over after work today. I course said yes.

Mom asked who they where I told her just some friends that helping with a project. She asked what project. I said it was about Halloween. My mother isn't a dumb woman she filled in the blanks asking if it was a party Kye invited me to.

I said yes. She got up and left the table while Dad followed her. They argued in their room while left the table food still on the table. Needless to say I left the house feeling guilty about it but made it school on time.

By now I would've thought that I would be old news. But, today people were laughing as I walked by. In class it was worst everyone seemed to be in on this new joke. It added stress on my already heavy shoulders.

I stop typing this is my last class and I'm so ready to be out of this building. I was about to send my paper to the teacher when Lori forwarded me a message. It was marked as urgent, the subject line reading. Don't kill the messenger.

Opening it I saw my face photoshopped on the naked body of someone else. The woman turned over so everyone could see just above her ass was a tattoo reading property of Kye Sinclar, Upper.

Stand up I felt my eyes fill with tears and I walked out of the room no explanation nothing. I had to get out of there going down the hall I run into a group of boys. One of them had a fishy smell to him.

He pushed me against the wall his other friends closed me in. "Looky here boys."

My voice quivered, "Let me go."

The leader leans in his breath paired his foul fish smell. "No, I wanna see that tattoo of yours."

Reaching for my shirt his goons pin my arms on either side of me. "Stop." I yell loudly hoping someone will come out of the classrooms.

Pushing against him he pulls my shirt ripping the buttons off they make a loud sound landing on the ground. I open my mouth to yell again but he puts his hand over my lips. The taste of raw fish enters my mouth triggering my gag reflex. I throw-up my lunch all over him. It cause all of them to jump back. I used that to wiggle out.

"Get her." The leader ordered his lackeys.

So, I ran out of the school into the streets at tops speed the cool air on my half naked top. I didn't care I just ran until I came back to Kitti's door. He opened the door and I collapsed into a heap on the floor rambling about being chased. Chad took me inside setting me down on the couch wrapping a blanket around my naked shoulders.


It feels like hours later when Kye pulls me into a hug holding me tightly. "Are you okay."

"I'm fine just a little shaken up." I say lying to him for reasons that I don't understand.

He looks at me seeing the lie, he's angry. Not like a pot of boiling water this is like the blue fire in chemistry. It's cool to see but touching it will burn through to your bones. "I'm going to kill them."

"No, I take his hand he pulls me off the couch. "Kye stop if you do this it will just cause more trouble. Just let the guard handle this stay."

"I can't someone hurt you and I want them to hurt." He stalks to the door opening it.

I push it hard closing it putting myself between him. "Stay here with me. The camara's catch it all my Dad will get them I need you to stay with me." Tears fill my eyes. "Please I need you...I need someone I know with me."

Crying into his chest I know right now he's the one person in whole universe who knows me better than I know myself. He wraps his arms around me. "Okay I'll stay."


"I promise."

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now