My dressmaker is a cat

18 4 0

Sunday October 6th, 2149

Kye's dress maker is gay man living in the senior sector, a neighborhood called Stone Villiage. He's unlike any person I've ever met, loud and bright with his milk chocolate skin. His aura radiates the feeling of being really happy and at peace with all aspects of life.

"Ooh child look at you." He said, pulling me into the door of the apartment.

Inside are bolts of fabric in every color I've ever seen in my whole life and a couple that I haven't. The different textures draped over all the walls and in one corner is another old man his ebony color making him stand out against the bright colors. Sitting with an amused smile on his face as he hand sews a garment that I don't recognize.

"I'm Kitti and that sour pus is my husband Chad."

"Dylan De Rovia." I say turning back to the man in front of me I hold out my hand. "Kitti?"

He shakes my hand, his coffee colored skin is smooth like glass. "It's short for Catesby." His still silent partner sets down the garment taking a tablet he starts to draw on it.

"It's nice to meet you."

He smiles letting out an amused hiccup. "Honey, where are you from?"

I blushed, I was never ashamed of where I come from. "Section C, Emerson, my father's a guard and my mom is a doctor." The uppers live in sections A and B of the city sector in high rise buildings where every family has its own lavish apartments. Really high Ups even have whole floors of their own.

"Straight from the middle I knew Kye would fall for a girl like you." He takes me to the center of the room where a raised platform stands. Next to that is a couch with soft pillows and little cups empty now of course but I can imagine them being filled with rich coffees or lavish teas.

"I'm not really supposed to be going to the party." I say my voice low.

He leans in. "Dearling all girls in your situation come here for their party clothes."

Again I feel my face go red. The man must read it as he takes my rough hand. "I've known Kye since he was two feet high. He would never be anything but a gentleman. Does he make you happy?"

"Yes, just sitting on the train talking to him fills me with contentment."

"Do you make him happy?" He reads my face. "Not in that way."

I nod.

"Good that's what matters then." Kitti says looking over to his man. I've always envied homosexuals, they have a choice that we don't really have. Pairing works 98% of the time but from the time I was nine I knew that the man I would have children with would be assigned to me. The possibility that I might not like my husband, being in my current situation has shown that isn't true. Still these two men chose each other, no council or period of adjustment, just two people who wanted to be together.

"Now the Halloween ball is a more relaxed affair, all the people will be in costume, of course. Do you have any ideas as to what you would want to be?"

"Ummm." I haven't dressed in costume since I was little at the arcade, we just put on a homemade mask or cover our faces in paint. Going back in my memory I remember being a fairy one year my Dad making wings out of wire for me. That seems too childish, I know they'll look at me being my first time in this circle.

"You have amazing shoulders," He says looking me over. "I could make you something like a warrior get up.

"No thank you, I'm not much of a fighter. I try to talk my way out of trouble if I can."

Chad speaks up in a deep voice. "But you can fight if you need to."

"Of course." My Dad taught me self defence.

Kitti takes my arm holding different colors to it. "You have a wonderful complexion. I could put you in any color and it would look devien." He holds a deep green next to my arm. "How about a leprechaun?"

"No, that's not really my style." I don't really have a style, I like to be comfortable, nothing too tight.

He frowns."What's your favorite color?"

"Deep purple almost like a plum color." I see the wheels in his head going. "But, I'm not royalty of any kind and I don't think showing up as a princess will help me."

Chad comes over, "How about a pirate?" He asks, showing both of us his drawing.

It's me in red off the shoulder blouse with a black jumper that goes down into a puffy skirt that ends just above my knee. The skirt is black, save for the sides where my hips would be there is the same red as the shirt with gold discs on them sure to jingle as I walk. I like the skirt length is not skimpy like other girls wear. My legs are covered in black stocking with my normal boots, not heeled shoes that upper women wear.

"That looks amazing."

He smiles, "You will look amazing."

Kitti ushers me onto the platform, "Now just let us take some measurements and you'll come back for a fitting in about a week or two."

"Sure," I stand up.

Kitti takes a faded tape measure that has tiny traces of numbers, he calls out numbers to Chad as he notes them in his tablet.

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