I'm Going Outside

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Saturday January 22th, 2150

We’re screwed it's been four days we still have no running water, no one knows why. The water doesn’t come out of pipes no showers, no washing clothes no flushing toilets. The worst right now is the portable toilets all over the city. Everything and everyone smells...I thought swears where bad. This is worst this is a unescapeble smell the smell of fear, lost hope, and dangerous desperation.

“Have you slept at all?” Cole asks coming into my office he’s gotten some much needed sleep and  a clean shirt.

“I had an hour nap after you left.”

He sighs hard his lips dry and creaking. “Dill, that was eight hours ago. Have you eaten anything?”

I groan the lack of water was giving me a headache. “I had some kora crackers about three hours ago.”

“You need to take a rest get some water.”

Slumping in my chair I force my tears to stay in my eyes. “ The water in the Lowers is being taken out to be boiled into drinking water but will only last another three weeks. Then there will is none what’s left is being hoarded and if we don't figure this out we have three days to die of thirst. I can’t sleep knowing that every minute we are getting closer to…”

Sinking down to the floor I can’t say it, my parents Lori, Kye they’re all going to die if we don’t fix this. Cole sits next to me taking out his tablet. “I know Jolie is terrified and I can’t stand to see that look of absolute fear in her eyes. Come on let's take a look we might have missed something

“STOP IT.” I yell standing. Bring the blueprint up on my smart screen I tell him. “It's been four days we’ve looked every inch of this ship.” I say the last part slowly looking at the blueprint of the inside of the ship. This ship we’ve been over the intorier but no one’s gone outside since the Astro-crop. The realizations washes over me like a wave of water.

Cole looks at me then at the screen trying to see what I see he doesn’t. “What? What do you see?”

“I know what happen or I have an idea where's Robbie?” “In a meeting.”

I race down the empty hall to the office the door is shut I burst in. “I KNOW WHAT HAPPEN!”

He’s not alone, the captain is here along with the guard captain and all the  farmland chiefs. Robbie looks at me. “Dill not a good time.”

“Mr. Raue let this young woman speak if she has an idea I will here it.” The Captain says licking her lips.

I swallow my throat thick. “Thank you Captain. I don’t think our problem is internal in origin. I think during the belt run we had a hull breach.”

As everyone immediately starts to tell me all the reasons I’m wrong while I pull up the outer hull diagram in editinging program. “HEY!” I sync it Robbie’s screen. “Look the outer hull was superheat during the run all the small particles were fused to the metal skin that happen but what if a small piece of rock embedded itself in the super heated metal.”

“Why didn’t the sensors pick it up?” A Chief accuses me.

“Because its still there,” Robbie says looking at the drawing. “Right?”

I nod he gets it and I go on pulling up the mineral report about the rocks highlighting the section about the rocks abilities to conduct electrical signals “Yes if it had hadn’t fused then the sensors would detect it.”

“Making this breech invisible to us.” Robbie finishes for me.

I sigh, “Right so I need a drone to look outside right now.” I don’t wait for to answer more questions time is the one thing we don’t have. Moving quickly I find what I need replacement cables and large metal sheet. I pass a still stund looking Cole.

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