I fall into a black hole.

21 4 0

Sunday August 20th, 2149

Yesterday Kye told me we're a pair, I will pair with him no matter what. I don't know how I feel about that. By sixteen we're supposed to be ready for this. Not only am I not ready, I know this is a crime. Kas just shrugged it off and walked out telling Kye to deal with it.

He sighed, giving me a half smile. "He always was a real charmer. I don't really know how to react to this either. You know this now I'll let you decide if you want to get to know me better that would be great. But if you want to wait till Paring I can live with that so I'm more than patient."

I said I didn't know what I wanted and left to go to work and came home. That's when it hit me that I know who we're going to spend the rest of our lives together. I don't know if two years makes much of a difference now. My thoughts followed me into my dreams, bringing a nightmare that was so bad I woke-up.

I dreamed that I was outside of the ship, no suit or helmont just me floating around in the star.It was great I was flying through space seeing flashes of my life and earth before the fall. Then I saw a planet with blue seas. There were land masses with green, sandy desserts, icy poles. This was Gillespie as I've always imagined it, I wanted to land there but couldn't. There was another force pulling me past the stars into darkness.

That force was a black hole,spherically huge. It pulled me in as it did I saw my parents, my family, Lori but as we reached for each other the darkness pulled me in. Blakc holes all have this point called the event horizon where you longer see. That is what I just dreamed. I was being pulled by gravity. I had no control over it, still I tried desperately to break free. But in the end I was weak and could only watch as the face of my parents,my family,even Lori reached in vain as the darkness pulled me in.

It scared me so bad that I woke-up and since I can't tell anyone about it I'm writing it down. Now I have two journals. This one that I'm writing in now and my school journal. Being a maintenance means I've learned coding so I opened a backdoor in my tablet. My screen saver is still frame of one those old superhero movies from the early 2010s. When I touch the shield this dairy opens.

It's too early to be awake most of the ship is asleep. Even the train is running on automatic functions. Mom and Dad are still at work. Leaving me here in a house with only my thoughts. Definitely not the best company right now.

I'm going to pair Kevi Sinclar. He's an upper one of the oldest families. I'm going to be his wife, he'll be my husband and I'll be an Upper by marriage. Even if I don't see him again I'll still pair with him. That will never change two won't make me forget. I wish I could talk to Lori about this.Telling anyone else would be dangerous. Even writing down is dangerous but if I keep all inside of me I'll explode I know I will.

I shut the tablet sitting back against my bunk. "This is gonna suck."


Knocking on the door the sound rings out in the empty fields, I hear the sound of heavy feet on the floor. The door opens with more force than necessary. "What the hell?"

He sounds angry till he registers that it's me and he rubs his eyes into focus, his tone is softer now he leans on the door. "Dylan what are you doing here?"

"I had a nightmare and needed to talk but you're kinda the only one I can talk to so I came here. I'm fully aware of how childish that sounds so I guess I'm not as grown up as I thought. But-" I throw my hands up taking a deep breath as they come down.

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