A Good Dream

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Sunday January,10th 2150

I think my parents are more of themselves when I'm not around. This morning when I was waking-up I looked at my tablet it was still early. Dad had to work today but will be off for the next two days. Still I couldn't get back to sleep and wasn't willing to get up.

So, I layed in my bed listening to them, I couldn't hear the words but the tone was happy and pleasant. My Mom laughed no giggled,I don't think she's ever made that sound around me at least.

Out my window the stars are still shining right now and all's right with the universe. My birthday is coming I'll be fifteen almost an adult. When I was little I thought I'd be wiser by now. Everyone at fifteen and sixteen seemed to know with utter confidence what they wanted to be who they where. Maybe because they were stuck here they knew they only had X amount of options.

The mission for so long has been to cross the void of space survive together. Now the mission is changing our new mission is to bring humans to new planet to start over. I wonder if can start over. We have all the knowledge of the past but if history teaches us anything it that humans are repetitive. Make civilization, ruin civilization, anarchy, rebuild, and repeat.

After finally crawling out of bed I went out with nowhere in mind not to the trains they are to here. I went to the galleries, not very popular place for someone my age but I like them. There are masterful re-creations of great works from Earth along with originals. Art and music are the oldest forms of expression.

I'm sitting in prehistory wing, its a group of cave like room with frescos' of cave paintings. Ironically these painting are still on earth unlike the great works in the main gallery's which where turned to dust these ancient drawings where safe in caves. This wing has soft carpet floors. When I was eight my school took a day trip here we all laid on the floor as the teacher explained how the first men created this place on earth.

From cave walls to interstellar space that was the dream. Looking up at the stars painted on the ceiling mankind dreamed of space before they even knew what it was. A thousand generations later we dream of a planet. Of sky and sun, grassy valleys, the oceans.

That's what I dreamed of last night. It was so real, I was on the surface with wind blowing in my hair. The sky was blue with the larger was there a pale red color. It was so real not like the VR sims I could feel the suns warmth on my skin. My hair was being pulled back as wind swept across the plains. The sky I hope skies are that blue. When I wok for first time in my life I looked out at space with sorrow. I wasn't under the blue sky there was no pale moon I was here my hair hanging tangled at my sides.

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