Getting Out of the City

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Friday October 27th, 2149

I was back at work today a full work to since the hearing took all my time yesterday. Today was good I was getting out of the city with Sophie. She hugely pregnant and due at any time now. We're driving out to the Farmlands in a truck."Watch your speed its a small ship."

Reducing speed I sigh, "Come on I'm going 35." I can't wait to be in a rover driving fast and swling mud everywhere.

Sophie is taking me to replace a fuel tank on tractor. She patched in during the harvest but now it needs replacing. Winter is here and farmlanders are working in the greenhouse we can replace parts and run test on tractors. Of course she can't do it so I volunteered. Today is the day Trevor and Axel are going to die and I don't want to be in the city.

Looking on public forums most people agree that they should die but still there are others. They look at me like I'm wrong, I'm not but still. Being up to my elbows in grease is just fine with me. Sophie is also not one to pry into someone's personal life. She hasn't asked and I'm not telling, I've told Lori some but she different.

We make it to the wearhouse where all the tractors and farm equipment is stored. A supervisor looks at us, "You the repair team?"

Sophie holds out her tablet where the order is. While I put the new part on the cart along with all our tools. "I'm Sophie this is Dylan my trainee."

"Max." He says signs Sophie's tablet confirming that we are in fact here. Leading us to the warehouse, he goes on. "We used her as little as possible during the harvest but whole thing fuel tank is gone now."

"Damn is cold in here," Sophie says her breath a puff of white air.

Max nods. "I'll get you a space heater and a chair."

She nods, "Thanks which one is the broken one?"

He points to faded red harvester already on the lifts. "Old Red, I'll be right back." He looks at her belly.

"I'll still be pregnant."

"You sure about that?" I ask going over to the machine.

By the time Max comes back with a apprentice of his own carrying the chair. I'm already under the tractor unblouting the now useless fuel tank. The heat adds a little bit of warmth to Sophie at least. During the winter to conserve energy the normally warm room is left cold and unused.

The two man use the time to talk about me. "That the De Rovia girl?" It's the younger one asking the older than me seventeen maybe.

"Yes, I'd keep your distance if I was you."

He laughs sarcastically. "No kidding. Did you see the ring?

"I heard he gave her one but nothing on her hand."

It's around my neck on a piece of string, I'll need to get proper chain at the exchange this weekend.

"I heard it has five diamond in it."

Laughing I gently put the old part on the ground. "It's just one." I take the piece of string out letting the gem shine in the light. "Now all three of us can keep talk about this or I can replace your fuel tank."

They both look down at the cold ground. "Sorry."

They older man leaves helping sophie back to the truck while finish the job. "Come over here and hold this place."

The part is lightweight only heavy with gallons of fuel in it.Still I need both my hands to bolt into place. He has dozens of questions. "You can ask question, I'll answer." I say taking my tool. "Just don't talk about me like I'm not here."

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