In the dulldrums of space

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Saturday September 16, 2149

Today was really just a normal day here. I know that sounds boring and it's really not what I'm supposed to be writing but its the truth. What did I do today I got up i ate breakfast. Went to work. Came home did homework and then chatted with Kye some till now and that's all. Sorry.

Monday September 18, 2149

I'm wondering about the weather today. Like I said earlier we have to have simulated seasons. Plants need the change they sense it the small changes that we don't notice. Here weather is controlled so its perfect. Perfect seasons where nothing goes wrong and weather wise the crops would fail. And we'd starve which hasn't happen but we did come close fifty years ago.

But, real weather like thunderstorms and snow. We don't have those here. The closet we have to that is the winter fair. In the public park they bring out these machines that blow out snow. But, that's it I'm fourteen I've seen rain or felt wind. What's going to be novel to me will be common place to my children.

"This is it." I groan to my tablet.

"What is?" Kye asks not looking out from samples.

"I've written about everything." I look at my screen with the meager two paragraphs and the one from yesterday.

"You could write about me?"

"Oh I do but this is the journal that goes the teacher there are things I can't say to him." I tap on the J key.

Kye looks up at his samples. "Write about why your here and not in your own house."


I'm in Kye's lap on a cleared out table. Well, not completely cleared out there is a small bud of some kind of plant. For last hundred years plants have been designed to grown on this ship. In microgravity under simulated conditions. Now we have adapt them to the unknown conditions of Gillespie. Of course we won't know for sure until the probes come back with the first images.

They're traveling around the planet now taking pictures and video of new planet. The first batch of them is due by march of next year. Since. The closer we get to the planet the delay will get shorter. People are already placing bets on what kind images will comes through. I hope its a green planet with no intelligent people. The planet is young sentient creatures with a intelligence similar or greater to ours is highly unlikely.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now