New Year's 2150

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Thursday January 1st, 2150

Another year gone another billion miles travelled. I remember being in the fifth grade my teacher Ms. Potter had this model of the ship that move along the wall of the class and when the school ended we’d all take a picture holding a sign that said how many miles we travelled.

I’m was on Kye’s roof watching the light beam in its countdown sequence. Mostly it runs on 24 light cycle based on the sun’s light so in the summer there is a longer day cycle then in winter. But, every year there is countdown to new years the lights change colors. There is an echo in the ship as people count down.

“Five.” The light flashes a bright red color

“Four. A mellow orange sets off. There’s going to be light show with drones in the public park. And, parties are happening all over the arcade and the uppers are having a great time. I could be with Lori in the Arcade and Kye has many place he could be. Where we want to be is with each other so its where we are.

“Three.” He puts a blanket around my shoulders as the blue fades to a purple.

“Two.” Red highlights the whole field making it red.

“One.” The light turns green but I’m still because Kye kissed my cheek.

“Happy new year, Dylan.”

After that we went back into the house and I took the train home. We’re travelling miles in seconds and we still years before we’re were want to be.


I was sitting on bunk in my room watching the recording of the first launch day. There is an old man white with wrinkled skin and salt and pepper hair, next to him is a middle aged man dark skin with graying hair. They are  in TV studio on Earth, a news logo flashes with theme music plays.

“Hello and welcome to World News Tonight I’m David Muir with me tonight is Travis Tyson son of famed astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson and with me via live video stream is Captain Hector Delgado of the New Horizon, mankind's first interstellar colony ship. Gentleman welcome.”

“Thank you.” They both say.

David looks to the first Captain, “Captain Delgado I’ll start with you. Two hours to launch are you nervous at all about launch?”

“I would be a fool to say no. We as a people have never tempted this kind of engine before but the chance of fail is almost zero and all our back-ups are in place in case of failure. My crew and I have been training for three years. All the passengers are safely in their homes and have been briefed on the evac protocols.”

“And how is it inside I know we’ve all seen picture and videos but what is it like?”

Hector smiles, “It’s different not doubt but as an astronaut I can say that gravity and being able to walk is something. And if you don’t look up you’d think you were in a city or in the country.”

I close the tablet. Launch Day is a party day but I’m not a party person, sitting down I reach under my bunk looking at the leather book. Taking out a pencil I start on rough outline of a water tower. I think of our planet and of rainwater and how that could work with groundwater. Clean water is nice boiling is an age old solution, if I could put a reflective layer on the inside of the tower it would keep the water hot enough for  harmful bacteria to burn off. But that would mean hot water would be on tap not very good when its already 80 degrees outside.


Today was slow day with no work and no desire to party I’m really just waiting for tomorrow when I can start my new mechanic classes. Mechanic is a broad term the program I’m in the advanced program means I’ll be more like an engineer.

Today was kind of boring, I could use more days like this where nothing huge happens just ordinary things. Being on the train, being slightly annoyed at the lack of activities that I find enjoyable. Next year I’ll be counting the days to my Pairing Ball that will be event worth writing about.

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