We Battle a Titan

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Tuesday January 19th 2150

My hands are shaking as I write this if I was holding a real pencil it would the wobbling. It's almost three am but everyone on this whole ship is awake. A deep rumble woke everyone up just an hour ago. It's the sound that's haunted dreams on this ship since the beginning of our journey. Four years into the mission we passed through the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Then the Kuiper Belt five years later. That was better the objects where smaller icy bodies that became part of our water supply rather an danger to the ship itself.

Since then we've passed through three other belts never in my life time or even my parents lives. Interstellar space is the big empty we've been in it so long since we encountered anything. Now we are in a minefield of rocky bodies with very little ice they aren't the light tapping sound I've read about this is heavy bombardment. The heavy rocks are making lots of noises. Loud booms that are echoing across the whole ship laughing at us.

Where still in this field now I hear it that sound is terrifying to think about it. All the TV and news feeds broadcast the same message to for all non-essential crews to stay indoors. School was postponed and then cancelled altogether. I'm on call but nothing can be done until the field is cleared.


Dad was called as soon as the sirens stopped and Mom is worried for him. I've kept her distracted but it's been almost six hours. It took seventy two minutes to clear the massive field. "The all clear should be announced any minute?"

She nods gravily, "I know."

"How about a cup of tea?" I get up I need to be doing something however remedial or basic. The kettle was half full when the water stopped. Looking under the sink no leaks or cracks the water flow just stopped. Slowly I open the door.

Benji, my neighbor, was also peaking out. "Did your water just stop?"

I nod. "Yeah."

More doors open and the sound scared muttering and questions whisper down the hall. Closing the door I check the lights they still work and the refrigerator is still cool so this problem is exclusive to water supply. Stay calm , I say to myself panic isn't going to help anyone. Pouring the water into a glass for Mom I put the kettle in the fridge.

Mom takes the glass. "Are we out of tea?"

"Ummmm....We might have a small water flow problem it's nothing to worry about." I tell her hiding the worry in my voice.

As soon as I finish the sentience the rarely used phone rings. I pick it up it's for me anyway. "Hey Robbie."

"Get down here now." Is all he says.

I put down the phone and pull my overalls in my old school bag. "I have to go in right now just um...Stay here and I'll call when I can."

"Dylan are we okay?" I've never seen my mother afraid before it fills me with determation I never want to see that look again.

"We will be I promise and you raised me to keep my promises." I hug her tightly and quickly leaving the apartment and running to the elevator.

Whatever the problem is it's ship wide, which means we are in a world of trouble. I see more blue overalls coming out of buildings along with kids closer to my age vocational volunteers. Robbie called an all hands on deck this is bad on the train we take up three whole cars. There is a panicked mutter whispering all thought out the train with some people talking to each other while others are bent over tablets. I see Cole waving me over to his little group.

"You have any clue what the hell happen to our water?"

I pull out my tablet Robbie sent out a data release to all Mecha's trainies are peeking over the seats. "I do none of them are good."

"Let's get started."

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now