A ring and promise

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Wednesday October 15th, 2149

He stayed with me every night this week just so I can sleep through the night. Monday night he slept on the floor but when he showed up tuesday with a box of rations and a pillow. We knew he was staying for the rest of the week. Dad bought him a cot from the break room at work. No one misses it he said putting it my room it folds under my bed when I go to school and work.

School is getting better, Trevor's actions have made everyone just avoid me now. I wonder if it guilt for taking things to far. Eating alone in the cafeteria no one will even look at me. Kye and Lori are at work and that's really who I talk to now. I need to pick a career. I'm leaning more toward the mechanics now than before.

The hearing starts tomorrow and I have to be there for all of it. I'd rather be throw out of the airlock but Kye promised to be my side the whole time.

He gave me a ring today. Because we can't be married yet I wear into on my right hand. It's common to see a woman with one ring on her left hand where her paired husband is and another on her right hand where her love is. If you do find that love with your match another ring normally a family ring is added.

"What is this?" I asked looking at the ring on my finger. It was a gold band worked into a leafy pattern with a stone in middle of it. It doesn't look like something his mother or anyone in his family would wear.

"I made it. The stone is from a ring that my grandmother willed to me. But, the band is something I designed. It's a promise." He said his arm resting on the edge of the bed. Looking up at my with those big brown doe eyes. "I will marry you. I want everyone to know that."

"You know I love you and you love me." I lean to kiss him but he pulls away.

"Dylan." He draws my name the same way my teacher does. It ruins the moment.

I turn over facing away from him. "You did just gave me a ring."

He stands i know his hand is running through his hair. "Your fourteen to young your father would kill me."

"This is so confusing." I say looking up at the wall not ready to look at him yet.

He sighs his own confusion mixing with mine. "I know and right now things aren't any better but it will get better I promise. Two years will go by like a blink of an eye."

So, I'm not wearing it in public yet. I want to tell Lori first before she hears it someone else. She's been sending me messages all this time. I wouldn't let her see me, I guess I'm still a little ashamed of what happen.

Mom, Dad, Kye, my teachers and even the mechanic friends I have. They look at me with varying degrees of pity but still pity. And, they treat me like I'm made of glass now, I'm not. I'm broken for sure but when I put myself back together I'll be stronger.


Lori meets me in park that night after her classes, I'm hiding my hand, it's quiet not many people here. Just a few people walking along the path before they go home for the night. The light beam dimming the ship into a cool night. "Why can't be meeting in the arcade where it's warm and they have apple cider?"

I smile everyone seemed to be handling me with kid gloves, my parents the teachers, and Robbie. Lori was being normal best friend, I have the feeling that I'll need her more now than before. "I have something to show you and I know how your going to react. Being at the arcade would cause a scene. Once we're done and you've asked all your questions then we get hot cider."

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now