Chapter 43

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So here's the update I promised. I Just wanted to thank you all for coming this far with me in this story. I can't believe this story has now reached 20K reads. When I first published I doubted it would get more than 100 reads, but wow I can't believe that it's now at 20K! I remember the day I was freaking out when it got 56 reads!

There will be ONE more chapter after this and than the SEQUEL will be published. I will publish it at the beginning of September, and it will be somehow so that even if people don't read Falling Apart they can understand it. I'm also looking for a couple of editors for it, and since this was my first fanfic, I'm going to try and make it much better. So if you guys know any editors or are an editor yourself, please do message me. Thank you!

I also need some ideas for the name of the sequel, if you have any suggestions please do tell!

Enjoy!(Also please do listen to the music video on the side while you read this chapter...I JUST CANT CUZ FEELS OJEDHBHBHBBWSWDBNL OMG :((((((( )

For those who cant see it; its half a heart by 1D. XD


Luke's POV

'We're over," she said as she turned around and walked out of the field. I stood their soaking wet dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it. Was it over just like that? With two words? I know one month isn't a long time to have a relationship with someone but I felt like I knew her for years.

As the rain continued to soak my already wet clothes, I couldn't do anything except sit in the mud and continue to look at the path that she had gone to get out of the field. I looked like a complete psycho, and the booming thunder above wasn't helping.

I buried my face in my hands and just thought about her last two words. They kept repeating themselves. We're over. We're over. We're over.

It wasn't until I felt two hands grab my shoulders that I realized I was shivering and freezing. Hope sparked up in me and for just a split second I thought it was Araina. But when I looked up, all my hopes vanished. It was Calum.

I couldn't hear what he was saying but I stood up with his help and he took me to his car. He kept shouting at me for being so stupid to just sit in the rain but when I didn't reply he eventually stopped.

He drove me over to my house and I left his car without even saying goodbye.

I made my way to my room and shut the door, making sure I locked it first.

I had messed up big time. I should have told her even if her brother told me not to. It was my fault, my mess, and my mistake. I couldn't blame it on someone else. I plopped myself on my bed.

The only thought that went through my head the whole night was one sentence: how do I get her back after screwing up so bad?


Not until my mom came behind my door and shouted to get down for lunch did I get out of my bed. I had skipped breakfast, and just sat in my bed thinking about last night. I made my way downstairs and sat at the counter. I played with the ravioli my mom had made me, not eating a single bite till my mom finally understood.

"Luke why aren't you eating?" she asked.

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled back. I stood up from my seat and made my way back upstairs.

I stared at my phone for a long five minutes before finally plucking up the courage to pick it up.

The guys had called more then 15 times in total but I didn't feel like answering them. I knew they would come over soon and my mom would soon be questioning where my car was since Calum had drived me back. I didn't care though. I needed to settle things with Araina. I needed to tell her that I knew I had screwed up and that I was sorry.

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