Chapter 1 Greendale

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Six months earlier...


I let the small piece of metal glide across my upper arm carelessly. Like it had a mind of its own. "One, two, three..." I counted to myself before pulling my object of infliction away from my soft skin.

Today was the day that I started a new school Greendale High school. It was also the week that I had moved in with my new parents, adoptive parents. New town, new people and new no chance of new friends.

I was startled when a voice called up the stairs, "Ash honey it's time for school" Ellie shouted up the stairs. Ellie is my new adoptive mother. You may be wondering why I call her Ellie and not mom. Well frankly it's because I move homes that often that I never get attached to one family. It hurts more when they send me back. I was nowhere near ready to call them mom and dad anyway.

I quickly wiped up the blood from my cut arm. This would mark the thirty-third time that I had sliced my arm. I always tried to do it in the same places so no one could see what my pain manifested, "Be down in a minute" I called back down.

I only moved in a couple of days ago and met them the day before that. My room was decent sized...white wall paper with a black smoke patter at the bottom skirting. Wood panel floors. Black glass tables and computer desk and wardrobe. I hadn't had a chance to make it my own yet...if I did I would get attached and it would hurt more when I had to leave.

I quickly changed into my Nirvana teeshirt, skinny jeans and converse. My hair was always messy, so there was no need to do anything with it in the morning. I stumbled down the stairs quickly trying to avoid awkward morning pleasantries, "Leaving without saying goodbye?" Ellie asked.

F my life.

My face flushed red and I turned to meet my new mother with a smirk on her face and her arms folded. "No" I snorted as a bad lie. She threw me a brown bag lunch.

"I gave you Vegemite sandwiches. I know it's your favourite. You have money for a drink and I also packed you condoms, but don't be a slut and use them all on the first day" Ellie stated, her facial expression didn't change at all though mine had flushed a deep crimson red. I snatched the bag from her and shook my head in embarrassment.

"Have a great day honey" Ellie shouted after me.



Junior year, yay!!!

Note the sarcasm in my thoughts, well you can't actually hear my thoughts, so leave me alone yeah? Because my thoughts are my own and there my only escape from all this bull.

No, not really. My life is amazing and I wouldn't change it for anything. I was basically a God around here. Captain of the basketball team, head of the student body, I wasn't the smartest student, I kept grades that still made me eligible for stuff. Everyone wanted to be me and everyone wanted to get with me.

"Hey bro. You ready for practice later? As the new team captain you're kind of crucial" Calum Hood, one of my best friends stated. That's what I liked to hear, I was crucial. Not that I needed to hear it...I already knew I was the most important person at this school. And no one was going to change that.

Calum had been one of my best friends since the start of Junior High School when some kid tried to make fun of his race and I kicked the crap out of them. Ever since then me and Calum had been pretty great friends.

"I was crucial anyways bro. Let's just hope that Taylor is in the mood for putting out after next weeks game" I mumbled back to Calum.

"That bitch probably invented crabs" Calum replied nonchalantly with a raised eyebrow.

No secret that Calum didn't like Taylor, hell I didn't really like Taylor. She was the only person that I trusted with my dick in her mouth, so...I put up with her for needs that I have. Truth be told me and Taylor used to be good friends but then I hit puberty and started noticing anything and everything in a skirt. Once me and her had sex then all hopes of friendship was gone and we just became friends with benefits. She slept with other guys and I slept with other girls.

It was a win win situation.

Me and Calum walked into Sociology talking loudly about who we wanted for our football team, it was like that lame Facebook game, fantasy football or whatever. I chose to spend most of my time in bedrooms if you catch my drift. That is where I did my best work after all.

I spotted Taylor straight away in a tight mini-skirt, a crop top and boots. She tried to look all calm and nonchalant but I know that she wanted me inside her, her lip biting glance at me told me that what I thought was right. Like there was any occasion when I wasn't right.

"Okay class. We have a new student starting today...class this is Ashton" the annoyingly condescending teacher explained to the class.

I hated the teacher Ms McKay, she was a real airhead and would do better being a social study rather than a teacher. Bitch be fucked up, I wouldn't put my D anywhere near her.

I glanced up to see an awkward looking boy in a Nirvana teeshirt, they were pretty cool I guess, jeans and converse. He didn't look anything special but who was I to judge. Oh yeah only the guy everyone idolises around here. He had messy good hair, that looked hella good in some ways. Gross.


"So we're gonna dive right in this morning with our perception studies. Ashton take a seat at the back of the room and try to join in?" the teacher asked politely.

God I hated this bitch. She's so sickly nice to everyone.

"Urm...Taylor can you come up here for a few minutes?" Ms McKay asked nicely. We all laughed when Taylor groaned extra loudly, I know exactly how that sounded.

She stood up at the front and glared at Ms McKay with death in her eyes. We had done this last week, someone has to go up and stand and basically be judged by everyone in the class.

"So we'll be talking about respect once again. Can anyone suggest what Taylor could do to demand more respect off people?" Ms McKay asked the whole class.

This could get messy. A lot of people are jealous of Taylor because she got to ride my body. My hot body. I mentally smirk when I picture myself shirtless.

"She could try harder in school"

"She could try and make friends with better people?" Calum suggested with a smirk, I felt like that one was aimed at me. I reached over and slapped him around the back of the head.

"She could try wearing some clothes?" a small voice suggested from the back of the room.

Everyone burst out laughing at Taylor. I may have even let out a few gasps of laughter, I looked in the general direction of the comment and saw that new kid Ashton blushing like crazy.

This year may be interesting after all.

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