Chapter 31 The New Order

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I frantically grasped at everything I could find while I fought for breathe. It was hard to do when I had a plastic tube running down her throat.

"Ashton calm down" the brown curly haired boy stated furiously. He put his hands on my shoulders and forced me back down onto the bed. Pinning me to the mattress.

I didn't like the feeling of being restrained but was comforted by the thought of having someone here with me. I felt like I recognised this person, but didn't at the same time if that makes sense. There was something different about him.

The distinct smell of hospital disinfectant filled my senses. Sometime I couldn't get to sleep with smelling this smell, I had grown accustom to its potency.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked the strange curly brown haired english boy. I thought I should know my restrainer since he was on top of me.

He smiled at me awkwardly. I recognised that smile. The smile that would make anyone melt. The smile that could convince anyone to do anything. The smile I frequently used on my boyfriend. The smile that only came with an Irwin man.

"I'm Harry your half brother" he stated with a goofy smile. I thought he looked familiar. He looked like my biological dad.

I really did have a half brother then after all. Someone who goes through the same shit that I do on a daily basis. Someone who would finally get what I felt like and not just mutter it's gonna be okay every once in a while and expect me to heal.

"Harry? Right you're his son" I mumbled slowly. It pained me to think of him.

The last memory I had of him was him leaping over my dying body to escape. The apologetic look he thought would make everything okay while I bled to dead from the small piece of metal that was fired into my abdomen.

"I'm gonna go and get a doctor..." Harry said excitedly. He certainly had a hella lot of of enthusiasm and energy.

"Oh and Ashton...I blame him too" he muttered before ducking out of the room to find medical assistance from the professionals.


"So Ashton do you remember anything about what happened to you?" the doctor enquired. He was shining a penlight into my eye. I didn't really hurt, it annoyed me that he kept waving it around though.

"I remember opening a door and then falling to the ground in pain. Andrew Styles leapt over me and ran to save himself" I muttered quietly. It was hard to hear, let alone it constantly playing through my head. Burned into my memory forever.

"That's good. Good that you remember what happened. Your memory wasn't affected by the shooting" the doctor explained happily.

It came off as a good thing to everyone that I remembered everything but honestly I wished that I could wake up with amnesia.

"Well your vitals seem to be in check. I'll be keeping you overnight to keep an eye on you but you can leave in the morning" a lot of medical information I didn't really understand but I did understand the overnight part. I missed my old bed.

The doctor left with a firm nod and my clipboard with all my medical stuff and my life's medical file, my whole life story basically.

"Thank god. I miss my old room. My old bed" I moaned happily. Just the thought of it makes me massively sleepy.

Harry coughed awkwardly. "Well you might want a new matress..." I gave him a confused frown. Had he been sleeping in my bed? That's a little weird yet poetic in a way as well. "I kind of had sex with my boyfriend Niall in it" he stated slowly.

"YOU HAD SEX IN MY BED!!!" I shouted. I got out of bed and started pacing very slowly. I hadn't walked in a while so give me a break. "I am very disappointed in you Harry" I stated in a fatherly tone, my christ I sound like some sort of guardian don't I? Harry had since bowed his head in shame.

I scratched the back of my neck and thought I would ask the question that was burning on my mind. "Tell me about this Niall?" I asked quickly.

"Well he's seventeen and he's always lived in the next town over from Greendale so I've always wanted to move up here. I've known him for four years and we've been dating for two years. He was held back a year in school, so we're in the same grade. He's blond and cute and has an Irish accent..." Harry began with stars in his eyes. I loved men with accents. Why couldn't Luke have an accent?

Crap Luke doesn't know I'm awake yet. I had been two caught up in Harry's dreamy boyfriend explanation.

"Harry as much as I want to hear about your boyfriend. I need to call mine. And we'll be discussing that you had sex in my bed length" I explained with a new found parental frown.



I sprinted up to the coma unit of the hospital. I was ecstatic when I received a text from Ashton, I realised what that meant. He was awake.

The elevator dinged and I sprinted down the hospital corridor. Doctors were giving me strange looks of disapproval, I was used to these from pretty much all my teachers.

"Did you at least use protection or is my bed sheet gonna snap in half if I sit on it?" I heard Ashton's voice snap. What the hell is he talking about?

"Yup I'm definitely gonna have unprotected sex with my boyfriend. Are you sure you were shot in your abdomen and not your brain?" a familiarly sounding voice of Harry snapped back.

I knocked on the door and opened it quickly. Our eyes met across the room, just how they did in that sociology classroom last year. "Hi" I muttered with voice heavy.

"Hey" Ash mumbled back.


You don't even understand how freaking ecstatic I am. My DEMI World Tour tickets came yesterday, life is complete.

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