Chapter 10 XO

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I don't know why but Ashton had told me to come to the bathroom quickly and he said it was an emergency. I had left Calum alone to do our project for us.

Whimpering could be heard from the bathroom, Ashton's whimpering. I burst into the bathroom and almost passed out from what I saw.

Ashton with his whole left arm drenched in blood.

"Shit..." I shouted diving next to him. He had a large slice on the top of his arm. Ninth grade boy scout training kicked in. I took of my belt and tightened it above the cut. I used my jumper and applied pressure and we waited. The cut didn't look deep enough to need stitches but he would probably have to wear a sling for a few days so it healed. After a half an hour I decided to ask 'the' question.

"Ashton? Did you do this to yourself?" I had seen scars along his arm around the cut and they were too neat to be accidental cuts.

Ashton didn't look at me. His breath caught in his throat though and he broke down crying. I pulled him into me and let him cry on my shoulder, I had sort of seen this on animal planet. Hope he isn't going to eat me next?

"Y-you can't t-tell anyone" Ashton choked out, he hadn't made eye contact with me yet. I would be embarrassed if people knew I cut, I don't just hypothetically. He seemed more ashamed than embarrassed though.

I should probably tell someone like a school councillor, or at the very least I should tell Calum, he'd know what to do in this situation. I couldn't leave this alone because he'll do it again and again and next time someone won't be here to stop the bleeding. "Are you gonna stop?"

"I've tried. Something always triggers me though. I can't stop Mikey, if I ever stop the pain will swallow me whole" tears were sliding down his cheeks and his eyes were glossed over. I felt so bad for him.

"Well if you ever feel like you need to do that again call me and I'll talk you down. Kind of like a sponsor" that seemed like the only way I could really help him without telling anyone. I felt like if I told someone he would end it all and I can't have that happening. He nodded and shook slightly.

"Why'd you cut in the first place?" I asked quietly.

"It doesn't matter know. Just an old memory I hadn't though about in a while" he sighed emptily. I knew the next few days were going to be hard on not just him but me as well.

"Hey my mom and dad are gone for the week. You and Calum should come around mine and crash. We can like play games and stuff all night. I was planning on having a party tomorrow night as well. C'mon it'll be fun" I suggested. Hopefully he would take my offer. He didn't look too thrilled about the idea but nodded anyway.



I hated that I had to work nights. I would much rather work weekends. With dance and football and maintaining my GPA I was running on only a few hours sleep, especially with my new dreams I've been having.

I worked at FYE. It was a video and gaming store and I worked behind the counter and stacking and that sort of stuff. My uncle was the manager so I got a decent pay cheque every week. I hated the uniforms though. Purple polo shirts with the name tag.

I was pretty bored, the store was usually empty on Friday nights since everyone goes out, so I was scrolling through twitter and talking nonchalantly to Betty, my co-worker who I gave hypothetical questions to about my life and she would give advice.

"So how is your hypothetical friend doing with that boy he likes?" Betty asked, she was like fifty. I think she knew I was talking about me and I was glad she didn't judge. I don't really know if I like Ashton. He makes me feel certain ways.

"Not as well as he'd like to be" I sighed. I scrolled through twitter again. I occasionally checked his account to see if his relationship status had changed. It made me chuckled when he had set his religion to Jedi. He was such a movie nerd. He told me a while ago that his favourite movie was Rock Of Ages because of the amazing dancing it has in it.

"Maybe if your hypothetical friend asked this boy out on a date it may move things along?" Betty suggested, she had really good advice. The problem was that I don't date. And I don't know if it would be weird if my first date was with a guy. I wouldn't even know what to do on a date to be honest.

"What if my friend had never been on a date before?" I enquired. This was not vague at all, she obviously knew it was me we were talking about. She kept up pretences not to embarrass me though, she was like a cool aunt to me truthfully.

"I would suggest a movie. Not that much talking so they can ease into the whole dating thing" Betty suggested, she had evil wisdom this woman. I would call her a witch but then she'd get hanged and I wouldn't get her advise anymore. The alarm went off telling us that someone had entered the store, I mainly worked today because no one would come in. A familiar voice brought a smile to my face.

"We should definitely get the Spongebob Movie" Ashton suggested to someone.

"Hell no The Hangover collection" Calum retorted. They hadn't seen me yet, I kind of wanted to jump out and scare Ashton.

"What? How 'bout Green Lantern? Ryan Reynolds is fine" Ashton laughed, I smirked a little at his comment as well. He was such a dork sometimes, but I liked that about him. He was different than everyone else but that's what made him interesting.

"I thought you were a strictly Luke Hemmings type of guy?" Calum laughed with fake shock on his face. My smile faded when he said that and I froze in place. He blushed and shook his head, "Would you shut up? Someone from school could hear you and I can't live that down right now. Having a crush on the school's manwhore wasn't my life's plan" Ashton laughed. Ouch that stung. Did he really think of me that way? Was I known as the school's manwhore?

I dashed behind the counter when I saw them coming. They were laughing their heads off while they approached the counter. Ashton looked a little confused when he saw me here. "I work here" I announced to him.

"Cool" he giggled looking down to the floor. Calum rolled his eyes and handed over a stack of DVDs.

"You missed practice today and coach was pissed. You need to go to Mondays practice" Calum explained. I had to come in a work early since people were off this weekend. Like coach had any right to bitch at me, it was my team not his and we were all ready for our first game next week.

I started scanning the DVDs and pricing them up.

"Coach needs to sort his life out" I snorted. Calum laughed in agreement, Ashton was still glancing at the ground. I think he was scared I had heard him earlier.

"So what's with all the DVDs?" I asked Ashton directly. He hadn't looked at me for like ten minutes. I needed those beautiful eyes on mine, like the first time our eyes met. He glanced up at me with pain in his eyes. I'm assuming this had something to do with the incident with the camera the other day. Not to mention his left arm was in a sling. I chose not to embarrass him by mentioning it.

"We're having a night in at Mikey's" Ashton announced. I really didn't like Michael. We had absolutely nothing in common. He like gaming, I like sports. He likes girls, and I'm honestly not sure. He changes his hair like every week and I have sexy blonde hair. He was a nerd and I'm king of the school.

I was waiting for the invitation. I would go nowhere near a guys slumber party but it was still nice to be asked. Calum turned and started out the store, Ashton didn't.

"There is a party at Mikey's tomorrow know if you're free?" Ashton enquired nervously, his eyes were on the ground. A smile cracked onto my face, so I wouldn't have to be the one who asked him out.

"I'll pick you up at nine tomorrow night" I chuckled with my flirtatious smile. Ashton coughed awkwardly, nodded and dashed to catch up with Calum.

I was excited for tomorrow night.

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