Chapter 14 Stuck At Home

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I missed Ashton. I know that sounds like a d!ck move after all the things I said to him. If I had know I would've killed Harrison there and then.

I had two weeks suspension for giving Harrison three broken ribs, a broken jaw, hairline fracture on the skull and internal bleeding. Harrison had been arrested a week ago, Calum text me and told me. That made me smile a little, it meant Ash wasn't wandering around scared of him anymore. Mr Weir went easy on me because of what had happened to Ash, he even said that he understood where I was coming from.

I still missed Ash though but I couldn't see him, not for a while anyway. He told me that every time he saw me that he saw him. I don't want him to see what happened anymore, so I needed to stay away for now.

I had things to preoccupy myself with. I caught up on Scandal, yeah that sounds interesting. I did some homework that Michael brought around for me, there was the start of a friendship since he helped Ash. I ran ten miles everyday and worked out every day. I even practice dance a few times. Mom was happy for me to be suspended, she said she never got to see me anymore since I spent most of my time with Ash or doing football or dance. I had missed the first game but I was ready for next weeks game, they had still won as well.

Basically I was bored out of my mind. Ms McKay had rang me about Ashton coming around to finish the sociology project off. Last time I had seen him he was sad and angry at me. I didn't want him to fail the project, hell I didn't want to fail but I didn't want to see him if it caused him pain. So I said I'd think about it.

"Luke honey? Have you decided if Ash is coming around tonight? Your father is supposed to be calling later tonight. Ash can stay for dinner if you want?" My mom asked, she'd been pretty supportive about the whole dating Ash thing, even though we weren't dating and we were further apart than ever.

"Why do you want to know?" I shouted over the top of the latest episode of Scandal.

"Your sociology teacher is on hold. She wants an answer before the end of classes today" My mom explained. She didn't know about anything that was going on. It wasn't my place to tell anyone, except I had basically told the whole school, I had learned that the hard way. I smiled at the memory of our first hug, damn this boy had turned me soppy.

I had to finish the project or I'd fail the semester and would have to retake regardless of my dance results. "Sure" I shouted back.

"Yay I get to meet my baby's boyfriend" my mom shrieked energetically. I groaned at her forwardness.

"Mom he's not my boyfriend...he's just a boy I like" I told her vaguely. That wasn't a lie, I did like Ash and nothing was going to change that. Him being my boyfriend was a total touchy subject. Like I said he needed time.


A shallow knock came at the door and I practically flew down the stairs to answer it before anyone else. I had spent the whole afternoon getting ready for Ash to come over. I had even dressed up, black shirt, skinny jeans and converse.

I opened the door with a calm demeanour and saw Ash stood awkwardly outside. He was pale and had bags under his eyes, they were ringed red. He had been crying and probably not sleeping. He had my letterman jacket wrapped around him, which brought a small smile to my face. He had his arms around himself, I couldn't imagine what he'd been through. To have someone take something like that from me. Take a part of my life like that.

"Hey Ash" I greeted with a small put on smile, he didn't look like he'd been doing anything but worrying and that worried me. He walked past me without saying a word, he went out of his way to keep a safe distance between us.

"Mom Ash is here" I called through the house. She was watching tv so she probably hadn't heard me. Thank God. I didn't want to push Ashton too far.

"So where do you wanna doing it?" I asked him. He was still taking in the aspects of my house. He blushed at my comment, he still took every comment as an innuendo in his mind.

"We could go to my room?" I suggested. A look of pure fear spread across his face. No one but me gets to go to my room, well he's the exception. I had imagined doing a lot of things with him in my room, homework wasn't one of them. I never expected us to be in this situation either.

"Sure" he mumbled. I motioned him to head upstair and he complied. He spoke to me, God I feel like a giddy school child. How the roles have reversed.

My room was pretty simple. Black walls with band posters sprawled all over them, the only bare wall was the one above my bed. Black bed, black glass computer desk and bookshelf and wooden wardrobes. It was a pretty normal room. I even had a couple of family pictures on the bedside table.

" wanna start?" I asked awkwardly. This was ridiculous three weeks ago we kissed and slept in the same bed. I wasn't going to hurt him in any way. I hoped he knew that. He shrugged and turned the camera on me.

He was wasn't going to ask me questions, I think I remember them all from last time.

"My name is Luke Robert Hemmings and my guilty pleasure is Ashton Fletcher Irwin's smile. If I don't see it daily then my day just isn't the same. And when he's hurting then I'm hurting as well. I want him to be happy but he told me that he sees his attacker when he looks at me which is why he won't talk to me. And I need him to talk to me again like he used to" I explained to the camera. I saw tears running down Ash's face. He was cringing at my responses to the question. It was the complete truth though, seeing him like this made me feel numb.

"What kind of person do I aspire to be? Strong like Ash Irwin because he has weathered so much in his life. Bouncing around adoption homes, having a dead parent, a parent that's AWOL and he was attacked not even a month ago and he's still going. I wish I had that kind of strength in me" I replied. Ashton was full on crying now and I could help but let a sigh escape my lips.

"Who is my role model? Ash Irwin because he is the best kind of person there is. Honest. Kind. Driven and innocent. Also my role model is my dad, always has been" I quickly added. My dad was one of my role models. He was across the oceans fighting a war in the name of his country. I respected him for having that type of courage, courage I never got.

I leant forward to stroke Ash's face but he pulled away.

"Don't. Luke you told everyone at school. Everyone fucking knows. Now I'm the charity case that's adopted, got raped and needs someone else to fight his battles. I have to go" he sobbed before charging out of my room.

I heard the front door slam shut as Ashton ran out of the house. I knew it was a mistake to yell that at school, hell I knew it was a mistake to attack Harrison but I had to...

He hurt my Ash!

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